I have a few player model requests, all of which are non-anime female characters, which there is a serious lack of on YukiTheater.
The first one that I would looove to have (and would use all the time) is the super cute
Moira (Resident Evil)
Workshop Link
(Either version is fine, since I like them both equally)
Here are the rest that I have found:
Clementine (The Walking Dead)
Workshop Link
Molly (The Walking Dead)
Workshop Link
Kat (Devil May Cry Reboot)
Workshop Link
Nilin (Remember Me)
Workshop Link
Next bunch are Borderlands related, just to warn you...
Baroness (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)
Workshop Link
Mad Moxxi - Moon Outfit (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)
Workshop Link
NIsha (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)
Workshop Link
Athena (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)
Workshop Link
And now, for more non-Borderlands ones
Jane Shepard a.k.a. Default Female Protagonist (Mass Effect 3) - for this model, any outfit would be good in my opinion
Workshop Link
Kasumi Goto (Mass Effect 3)
Workshop Link
Alice (Alice: Madness Returns)
Workshop Link
Kathryn, main character from Singularity, originally made in this model pack. Has Dead Space armour.
Workshop Link
But yeah, I'm not expecting all of these to be implemented - that would be ridiculous. This is just a bunch of suggestions that I thought would be cool to add to Yuki. Heck, I'd be amazingly happy if even one was added!
Thanks for looking at my post