Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

salty bird

Active Member
Power Supporter
Use 'Reply' to post any ideas you think will compliment YukiTheater, and her community. These ideas should ideally be something that will be enjoyable and, or sought after by the community as a whole. Also, please, if you have an idea, don't be afraid to post it so long as it follows the Suggestion Guidelines. Thank you! ;) - From @Dan 雨

Yuki staff will review the suggestions made here and forward them to the YukiTheater Trello Board.

Suggestion Guidelines:

  • Nothing too 'Memey' or cancerous.
  • Nothing that will break server rules such as discrimination,pornography, etc.
  • Nothing too ridiculous, unreasonable, server breaking or annoying to other players.
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  • A bubble gun or confetti gun
  • A weapon vending machine for the Event Room, only one gun per person and can only be used in event room
  • Katanas that do no damage but just to have for fun
  • Little pets or items that can be held on the body like a bird pet on the shoulder or a magic book on the hip, etc
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These ideas have floated around for a while but I'm going to bring them back.
  • Ability to buy sweps from the various vending machines around the map; Pocky SWEP, Soda Sprayer SWEP (I still wanna make this one).
  • Cards Against Humanity/Blackjack/Poker and other games to socialize with players and play. Could make the Casino/Arcade area more fun.
  • update/add new arcade machines

Believe it or not, we actually have models done for some of the Arcade machines that were requested for over a year now. Winter just never got to adding them, I guess.
Is it possible to add rent to a private theater that you've already added rent to?

I didn't see this feature in the server, or planned on the trello so I thought I'd ask here as a suggestion cause it would be rather useful.

EDIT: Oh snap, I wasn't looking good enough. Apologies. :oops:
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Okay, I've got a valid suggestion this time:

How about dynamic anime posters? Could add a small entity where each poster is located and draw a 2d/3d screen that pulls an image from a webserver, along with a small table of info for each anime. Would allow you to swap the current posters in and out, or circulate them.

Not a super necessary feature, but could be interesting and help show some trending or newer airing shows.
I know we discussed it in a meeting once, but just gonna add it here
  • While renting a theater be able to give theater powers to someone so they can move videos in que or lock theater whitelist/blacklist type system
Possibly make the zombie area into a small gamemode...? Like, set a match each for 1 minute or however long you think is a reasonable time, and try to survive with teams of either 2v2 or 4v4 maybe? Zombies could keep respawning until time runs out and it would be a competition to see whichever team kills more zombies. For instance, the team that kills more could get 500 credits and the team that killed less could get 250, which is half of that. (This is just an idea me and a friend irl just came up with. Also a good way to earn credits) Plus, normal guests sometimes have a hard time earning credits so it would be a fun and easy way for them to earn credits.
Add light sabers for donation ranks (matches colors etc)
just light sabers period

Not sure if it's because I read something like this beforehand but when I was sitting in the pool theater, lightsaber battles came to mind. XD

Perhaps on top of Snowball fights, replace or also do Jedi battles for creds?
Well, every cinema in real life has it so why shouldn't this one? cx Interactable and edible concessions food and drinks! You could walk up to the concessions stand and maybe have the Shop NPCs have a selection of edible/spawnable food/drinks, but let there be a limit. Each item would cost a certain amount as they would in real life at a cinema. For instance, a Large Popcorn could be $5.00 when in game it could be 500 credits. Just a suggestion :D
And with that, brings something else I wanted to bring up; Automated Events. Yes, a perfect example of these are the Snowball Fights and the Halloween Event (Collecting gas and filling the generator game) that would play out every so amount of time.

This is the kind of thing I had in mind with the creation of the Event Room. It's the perfect place for that, as long as these automated events can be switched off by staff who want to use that room from something else at some point. I don't know if I'll be able to find my old ideas for these kinds of events, but they're somewhere... I'll get back to you on that.
Event board and /event which you an see planned up coming events (movie nights and event days)
/lookup "player name" - similar to other servers where they can view users history and play time (bans, time played in the month, etc)
double credit Fridays (or a date where we have lowest traffic)
BRING BACK WORLD WAR YUKI!!! (event room wars)
Soccer event

play yuki for 23 hours straight, call it "you are crazy"
dude wheres my credits...? : spend 50k on the watermelon machine
oh bb.... : play this video

say "dingus" yukibot responds "DANNNNN!" :D
say "momma bear" yukibot responds "RAWWRR join the bear club!!!"
say "logs?" yukibot responds "its a feature !!!"
say "winter-senpai~" yukibot doesn't responded because senpai never notices me... :(
I like where you're going, lol. I can do something really nice and simple, for example, announce to players something like "Jedi War starting in 3 minutes; currently 10 queued participants. Would you like to join?." So, if yes, or, /join, in three minutes, several players (10 in this case) would be teleported to the Event Room, and so long as the event is active, those players will be in the event room playing the current event. And once the event ends, a cool down timer will announce a warning to players, saying something like "Event has ended, you will be teleported out momentarily." Something along those lines.

A couple things I'd like to point out about this idea. People often complain already about HUD notifications and such while they're in theaters or something. It'd be highly beneficial if HUD notifications (the ones that come in on the bottom right of the screen ever now and then) could be disabled as a whole.
The other thing is, what I meant by staff being able to disable those minigames is giving us some sort of command that just completely turns them off temporarily so they won't interfere with something else we're doing in the Event Room.
A couple things I'd like to point out about this idea. People often complain already about HUD notifications and such while they're in theaters or something. It'd be highly beneficial if HUD notifications (the ones that come in on the bottom right of the screen ever now and then) could be disabled as a whole.
The other thing is, what I meant by staff being able to disable those minigames is giving us some sort of command that just completely turns them off temporarily so they won't interfere with something else we're doing in the Event Room.

Strongly agree with this!!! ^

And @Dan 雨 ooo you though of everything haven't you. Ill bring it up next staff meeting of expanding yuki bot.

Thanks guys for doing this ^.^ im excited!!!

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