YukiIdol 2: End of the Decade Edition


Founder / Lead Developer
Staff member
Founder/Lead Developer
YukiIdol 2.png

Welcome back to YukiIdol!
In Season 2 of our American Idol ripoff, we'll be pitting YOU against other guests in a barely-orchestrated singing contest for in-game prizes! Before we can get this show on the road though, we need Judges and Singers!

To become a Judge
Just apply by replying to this post and mention any experience you have that might be useful! The bar is pretty low here folks, if you were the leader of a group project in Middle School, now's your time to shine!

Judges will also get 5,000 Credits in YukiTheater, each, for helping us host!

Currently Registered Judges
Don't Stop, Just Nep

...and any Staff that would like to help Judge!

To become a Singer
DM me a short (around 30 second) clip of you singing through Discord! The Staff will vote on the participants, and we'll let you know if you made it in! If not, try again Next Season!

If you don't know how to DM me, you can either join the Discord here or just Search for my username directly: WinterPhoenix#8780.

Singers That Have Signed Up
Princess Miya

...and any that want to participate at call time!

How will the winners be decided?
Judges will rate each Singer on a scale of 1 to 10 during each Round. Singers will take turns on the Karaoke stage in 3 Rounds (depending on the number of contestants this may change!):
  • Round 1: The Top 50% of Singers, based on score, progress to Round 2.
  • Round 2 (Semi-Finals): The Top 25% of Singers in this Round, based on score, progress to Round 3.
  • Round 3 (Finals): Judges pick their Top 3, in order, and the average placement of each Singer determines their Final Place.

Okay but what are the Prizes?
  1. First Place
    • The Donator Rank (or 2x the below currency if you already have it)
    • 10,000 Credits on YukiTheater (on top of Donator!)
    • 20,000 Loot on GMod Cruise Line (on top of Donator!)
  2. Second Place
    • 10,000 Credits on YukiTheater
    • 20,000 Loot on GMod Cruise Line
  3. Third Place
    • Your choice between:
      • 10,000 Credits on YukiTheater
      • 20,000 Loot on GMod Cruise Line
  4. Fourth Place or Below
    • 2,500 Credits on YukiTheater

YukiIdol 2-SignUp.png

When Is It?
Right now we're aiming to host YukiIdol 2 on December 21st, 2019, but we'll announce the Date and Time properly once we're closer!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now to participate, and join us for a night of excitement and competition!
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I think I'm qualified to be a judge because I took one year of music theory, make music, and have 8 years of experience playing multiple instruments. I also do audio mixing for my church, so I know a good singer from a bad singer and also proves I have a good ear. I won't be mean, but I can provide criticisms if requested ( I won't set my expectations extremely high but if I hear something phenomenal I'll go crazy ) If I become a judge I would like to know the what each singer is going to sing if possible. I think this also would be a good opportunity for me because I'm looking for someone to write music with and sing for my compositions. I'm really excited to see if I'm accepted, whether I am or not I will still attend, because I've been a member of Yuki since July 2015! I thank you for your time reading this over.
Hello fellow singing contest aficionados! Were you not able to make it to YukiIdol on the 21st? Don't worry, we recorded the whole thing for your viewing pleasure! Check it out here:

The winners are...
1st Place: Spunky Bong
2nd Place: TMGyro
3rd Place: georjemm

A special thanks to all of the remaining Singers!
Ruby Rose
SaiJaku Kami

Thanks to our Judges!
Don't Stop, Just Nep

And the comedic relief
Versace Shovel

And of course, thanks to all of you that came out and showed your support! We'll see you all Next Year for Season 3!

Love You!

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