Space is a lot darker than it's perceived to be - You need only look at one of the comments about the Lunar landing being a hoax, which states that the man on the Moon photos don't even show the Stars.
Uh... it's actually brighter.
The science behind it is a result of two things:
A) It's an old camera. The light exposure on old cameras are so shit that you wouldn't be able to make out any kind of light sources except the most intense of lights.
B) The moon uses HDR. Not really, but that's kind of the idea. Think about when you go outside in the middle of the say and look up at the sky. You can't see stars can you? That's because the light of the sun is so bright, that the blue light emitted from it scatters across our atmosphere and effectively drowns out everything but, as I said, other really intense lights like the Moon. It's the same situation on the moon. The sun is so bright, and the moon is so reflective, that it's almost blinding to be on the moon (such is the need for sun visors). The fact it's so bright makes it drown out most of the stars. If you went to the dark side of the moon, it would be dark, but the sky would be decently bright.
Anyway... I played Elite: Dangerous Horizons today. It's actually a really good deal of fun if you like space exploration quite a bit. Exploration was always a bit fun in this game, but it was kind of bland just looking at planets and similar stars the entire time, but now I can actually land on them and awe at each planet's unique sky. I landed on Europa, the ice moon of Jupiter, and it was simply stunning. There's cracks all over the surface that translate into deep rigid canyons and it's got some really cool mountains (albeit everything is white-blue lol). What really caught my attention was looking up in my buggy from atop a hill and seeing Jupiter loom over the moon in the distance. It was so cool, and I felt like a little kid once more, if only for a bit. I went to Mercury after that, which wasn't much to hold a candle to (Hey, the sky was black though

), but I can't wait to dig deeper into the game and find some really unique sights.