Welcome to the Pokémon X/Y/OR/AS Megathread. This thread exists to talk about the games, find and offer trades with other players, find battle partners, ask for tips or advice and help in the games, build teams, or anything else pertaining to the 6th Generation of the game series.

Battles with community members shall be conducted in a friendly manner, either for fun or competitively. We may also arrange multi-battles or tournaments if the interest in such things is substantial enough. Rules for those tournaments will be decided upon and posted in this thread beforehand. Currently, the only requirements for such tournaments if they are to happen are that you own the game and have an internet connection.

Trades are not sanctioned by us but by the individual users participating in trades. Be wary of potential scammers and take necessary precautions to avoid being scammed by other players, as you would anywhere else. There are no restrictions in this thread on trading Pokémon, event codes, or items. Feel free to do any of the above with no restrictions, but please try and keep offers and requests fair for both sides.

If you need advice to either advance in the game or how to do something in the game, feel free to ask. Obviously there are usually answers elsewhere, but someone here may be able to help if that is not the case!

Help with team building, breeding, and testing teams is encouraged. We can discuss strategies, test teams against each other and train with confidence here. Please do not hesitate to try new teams against each other in this thread, as well as give and receive advice from others on how to improve your team and play style.

More headings may be added at a later point. These headings are meant as guidelines for how to use this thread with other players.

I will be adding my 3DS Friend Code to my signature and encourage other participants of this thread to do the same or include it with a post to this thread. Thank you for reading and for participating in this thread with me!