Name 5 Server Machines!

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Founder / Lead Developer
Staff member
Founder/Lead Developer
For the next 48 hours, you, the community, will be able to suggest names for 5 of our server machines! To suggest something, reply to this thread!

When we say Server Machines, we mean the boxes themselves, not GMod servers.

  • Must be Safe For Work
  • Each reply must only contain one name suggestion (make multiple replies if you have multiple name suggestions)
  • Must be alphanumeric (can include - or _ but no other special characters or spaces)
  • Can be anything outside of that!
Vote for your favorites by clicking the Like button on the bottom right of the posts! At the end of the 48 hours, we will announce the top 5 most liked posts as winners!

Good luck everyone <3
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When i first heard Solstice, it remind me of Moon and Sun(winter and summer),
Those are my opinion i personally think great.
Off to 5-6 reply!

Luna - "The Moon" aka Solstice
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