Jan 6, 2024


Founder / Lead Developer
Staff member
Founder/Lead Developer
🎉 Happy 11th Anniversary, YukiTheater!

This list contains changes made to YukiTheater since Oct 31, 2023.

  • Map v3 Beta: Apartments Are Here!
    • Apartments are player-owned spaces that you can decorate and build in! The only limits are your imagination and the Source Engine entity limit!
    • Outside has also been completely redone, returning YukiTheater to the city seen in Map v1! I don't remember these mountains or the towering highrise building though...
    • Please note the map is in Beta, and there's some significant changes still on the way!
  • Added Supporter and Power Supporter ranks
    • Are the Donator rank perks not enough for you? Become a Supporter or Power Supporter and get even more perks by supporting us monthly!
    • Donators aren't losing anything with this; you still have all the perks you donated for! These are new ranks with new (and enhanced) perks.
    • A new Income Multiplier based on all-time total donated has been enabled for Donators and above (say /multiplier in chat to see yours)
    • For more info on the new ranks, check out the Donation Page!
  • Eight Ball: Payouts are now affected by the Income Multiplier
  • Easter Egg Hunt (Spring-only Event): Payouts are now affected by the Income Multiplier
  • Inventory: Weekly Join Bonus is now affected by the Income Multiplier
  • Added 31 New Achievements
    • It's That Time: 900 Credits | Discover the "it's that time" easter egg
    • Supporter: 20,000 Credits | Become a (Power) Supporter! <3 (/donate)
    • Triple Aid: 30,000 Credits | Be a (Power) Supporter for 3 months! (/donate)
    • Hexa-Sponsor: 40,000 Credits | Be a (Power) Supporter for 6 months! (/donate)
    • Supporter-senpai: 50,000 Credits | Be a (Power) Supporter for 1 year! (/donate)
    • Moe moe~: 120 Credits | Do the sexy emote
    • Moo: 120 Credits | Just moo. Come on, do iiittt~ Do it do it do it
    • Hundred-Thousandaire: 100 Credits | Have 100,000 Credits at one time
    • Millionaire: 1000 Credits | Have 1 million Credits at one time
    • Marathon: 14,400 Credits | Play 8 hours in YukiTheater without leaving (AFK time doesn't count)
    • ...Where are you?: 7,200 Credits | Spend 8 hours AFK in YukiTheater without leaving
    • YukiBot-channnn~: 300 Credits | Say something that gets YukiBot's attention
    • the sun is a deadly lazer: 1200 Credits | Watch "history of the entire world, i guess" by bill wurtz
    • batatatatatatta: 100 Credits | Watch "grrrolddd" by kmlkmljkl
    • A Rare VHS Tape: 500 Credits | Watch "I should leave this mall I think" by Noodle
    • Geeetttttttt dunked on!!!: 100 Credits | Watch "POV: Tall Sans Dunks You" by Lumpy Touch
    • That one seal video: 250 Credits | Watch "How to Identify a Seal" by William Burwin
    • whats up: 100 Credits | Watch "whats up" by Gianni Matragrano
    • This time you'll have to prepare...: 100 Credits | Watch "[S2FM] Lobster" by Neal
    • *train horn*: 100 Credits | Watch "[SFM] Cut Half-Life 2 Intro" by CoreyLaddo
    • I drink the water: 100 Credits | Watch "the vicious cycle" by dakooters
    • Good morning!: 100 Credits | Watch "this video did not have to exist" by The Average F2P
    • Unsanitary too: 100 Credits | Watch "I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me" by Gianni Matragrano
    • Who's ready for some heavy bass shit?: 150 Credits | Watch "Excision Star Wars Intro @ Thunderdome 2023" by JZ
    • It's a Yuki Wonderland (2023): 2,700 Credits | Visit YukiTheater on December 25, 2023
    • A Special Gift (2023): 600 Credits | Open a Present during Holiday 2023
    • I Was There When 2024 Started: 20,000 Credits | Be here when the ball drops for 2024
    • Eleven Year Anniversary: 2,700 Credits | Visit YukiTheater on January 6, 2024
    • Train of Connection: 250 Credits | Watch "Lagtrain" by inabakumori
    • Beginner Climber: 300 Credits | Make it to the Manga Shop Roof
    • Intermediate Climber: 600 Credits | Make it to the Outside Rooftop
  • Shops: Added Trash Man (Used Items), Furnish It (Furniture), Build-a-Suite (Building Props), and Gadget's Gizmos (Electronics)
  • Items: Added 2009 New Year's Glasses (500 Credits | Say "Happy New Year 2009" with these glasses at the Winter Seasonal Shop!)
  • Items: Added 173 Apartment Items (First Wave!)
    • Arm Chair 1 (3,000 Credits) | A modern arm chair designed exclusively for sitting! Credit: NivekNait
    • Arm Chair 2 (3,000 Credits) | A modern arm chair designed exclusively for sitting! Credit: NivekNait
    • Arm Chair 3 (3,000 Credits) | A modern arm chair designed exclusively for sitting! Credit: Rick_D
    • Bar Stool 1 (3,000 Credits) | A bar stool for any situation! Colorable. Credit: Willow
    • Bar Stool 2 (2,000 Credits) | A leather textured bar-stool with back rest! Credit: NivekNait
    • Bar Stool 3 (2,000 Credits) | A bar stool with the YukiTheater color palette. Credit: Inco
    • Bar Table (4,000 Credits) | A table stolen from one of the bars! Credit: Willow.
    • Beer Barrel Stack (30,000 Credits) | For drinking parties! (300 uses)
    • Beer Keg (5,000 Credits) | For drinking with your friends! (50 uses)
    • Blox (16x16x16) (750 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox (32x32x32) (1,000 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox (8x8x8) (500 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox Rectangular (16x32x16) (1,000 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox Rectangular (32x64x32) (1,250 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox Rectangular (8x16x8) (750 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox Rectangular Short (16x32x8) (750 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox Rectangular Short (32x64x16) (750 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Blox Rectangular Short (8x16x4) (500 Credits) | Totally not off-brand LEGOs! Colorable. Credit: Akiko
    • Body Pillow (4,000 Credits) | Mai Waifu. Paintable. Credit: Willow
    • Book Shelf 1 (1,500 Credits) | Somewhere to put all your Hula Dolls.
    • Book Shelf 2 (1,500 Credits) | Somewhere to put all your Cactuses.
    • Cactus (700 Credits) | Your prickly buddy!
    • Cardboard Box 1 (400 Credits) | Perfect for cats! ... If you could open it.
    • Cardboard Box 2 (400 Credits) | It's a little wet, but that'll dry out.
    • Cardboard Box 3 (400 Credits) | I guess this thing isn't ever gonna get where it was going.
    • Cardboard Box 4 (400 Credits) | It's a box. You want the box. You'll buy the box.
    • Cardboard Cutout (3,000 Credits) | What is this, Nintendo Labo? Paintable. Credit: Willow
    • Cardboard Panel (128x128x2) (1,000 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Cardboard Panel (128x32x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Cardboard Panel (128x64x2) (875 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Cardboard Panel (32x32x2) (500 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Cardboard Panel (64x32x2) (625 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Cardboard Panel (64x64x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Cardboard Panel with Door (128x128x2) (1,250 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Ceiling Fan 1 (5,000 Credits) | A modern fan to cool yourself off after an Excursion. Credit: ghantee
    • Ceiling Light 1 (2,500 Credits) | Light up your friends' faces with this ceiling light! Credit: Willow
    • Ceiling Light 2 (5,000 Credits) | Light up your friends' faces with this ceiling light! Credit: Willow
    • Ceiling Light 3 (2,500 Credits) | Light up your friends' faces with this ceiling light! Credit: Willow
    • Ceiling Light 4 (5,000 Credits) | Light up your friends' faces with this ceiling light! Credit: Willow
    • Ceiling Light 5 (5,000 Credits) | Light up your friends' faces with this ceiling light! Credit: Willow
    • Cinder Block (700 Credits) | A standard size rectangular block used in building construction.
    • Circular Wooden Table (2,000 Credits) | A decently sturdy table.
    • Coffee Table (3,000 Credits) | Need something to put your collection of coffee mugs on? Look no further! Credit: NivekNait
    • Comb (400 Credits) | Stolen from a nearby bathroom. Colorable. Credit: ghantee
    • Concrete Panel (128x128x2) (1,000 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Concrete Panel (128x32x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Concrete Panel (128x64x2) (875 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Concrete Panel (32x32x2) (500 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Concrete Panel (64x32x2) (625 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Concrete Panel (64x64x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Concrete Panel with Door (128x128x2) (1,250 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Corner Table (2,000 Credits) | For your bedside or sofaside! Credit: NivekNait
    • Dining Chair (2,500 Credits) | Comes pre-assembled from IKEA. Colorable. Credit: ghantee
    • Dining Table (4,000 Credits) | Comes pre-assembled from IKEA. Credit: ghantee
    • Doormat (2,000 Credits) | Tell people to go away with this stylish doormat! Colorable and Paintable. Credit: ghantee
    • Eight Ball (200,000 Credits) | A fully-functional eight ball pool table! Credit: Willow, WinterPhoenix
    • Fancy Wooden Clock (2,500 Credits) | It's just a clock. It doesn't work, but it does look nice.
    • Fancy Wooden Desk (10,000 Credits) | This thing was a total pain to move over here.
    • Gas Can (1,000 Credits) | It was emptied of gas first. I think.
    • Glass Panel (128x128x2) (1,000 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Glass Panel (128x32x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Glass Panel (128x64x2) (875 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Glass Panel (32x32x2) (500 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Glass Panel (64x32x2) (625 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Glass Panel (64x64x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Glass Panel with Door (128x128x2) (1,250 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Globe (500 Credits) | Point to your favorite country!
    • Gravestone (1,000 Credits) | Some say that if you listen closely, you'll hear tiny screaming.
    • Hula Doll (100 Credits) | A nice souvenir for the kids!
    • Leather Office Chair (5,000 Credits) | A little used, but still holds up people.
    • Light Bar (4,000 Credits) | Neon lighting? In MY apartment? Credit: Willow
    • Marble Panel (128x128x2) (1,000 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Marble Panel (128x32x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Marble Panel (128x64x2) (875 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Marble Panel (32x32x2) (500 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Marble Panel (64x32x2) (625 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Marble Panel (64x64x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Marble Panel with Door (128x128x2) (1,250 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Bucket (500 Credits) | This...is a bucket.
    • Metal Foldable Chair (2,000 Credits) | A little rusted, but otherwise sittable.
    • Metal Panel (128x128x2) (1,000 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Panel (128x32x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Panel (128x64x2) (875 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Panel (32x32x2) (500 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Panel (64x32x2) (625 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Panel (64x64x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Panel with Door (128x128x2) (1,250 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Metal Seat Row (3,000 Credits) | Not very comfortable, but it does fit a lot of people!
    • Modern Bed Queen (15,000 Credits) | A modern bed for modern people. Colorable. Credit: Willow
    • Modern Bench 1 (2,500 Credits) | A bench! That's modern! You can sit on it! Credit: NivekNait
    • Modern Bench 2 (2,500 Credits) | A bench! That's modern! You can sit on it! Credit: NivekNait
    • Modern Couch (8,000 Credits) | A couch designed for comfortable and relaxing sitting. Colorable. Credit: Willow
    • Modern Office Chair (4,000 Credits) | Part of this complete office space. Credit: Rick_D
    • Modern Wood Bench (2,000 Credits) | A wood bench you can sit on. Credit: Akiko
    • Monitor (8,000 Credits) | A sweet computer monitor you can watch videos on! Credit: Rick_D
    • Office Desk (4,000 Credits) | Part of this complete office space. Credit: Rick_D
    • Old Bath Tub (4,000 Credits) | Melons love getting washed in this thing.
    • Old Bed Frame (1,500 Credits) | Stolen from an old mattress store.
    • Old Car Wheel (2,000 Credits) | Leftover from last night's party.
    • Old Cash Register (2,000 Credits) | Crank operated.
    • Old Coffee Mug (800 Credits) | Comes with free coffee stains!
    • Old Computer (1,000 Credits) | Doesn't work, unfortunately, but it's good for decoration!
    • Old Couch 1 (2,500 Credits) | Kind of smells, but otherwise still good.
    • Old Couch 2 (2,500 Credits) | The cushions sink in quite a bit, but you can still sit on it.
    • Old Doll (100 Credits) | Frankly, this thing is just horrifying.
    • Old Dresser (2,000 Credits) | Found in abandoned house. Credit: ghantee
    • Old File Cabinet (1,000 Credits) | This is where I'd keep my tax records. If I had any.
    • Old Gas Pump (4,000 Credits) | This thing definitely doesn't work anymore, but it is a pretty cool prop.
    • Old Kettle (1,000 Credits) | Could you put the kettle on, love?
    • Old Keyboard (700 Credits) | Not quite a Model M, but close.
    • Old Loveseat 1 (2,500 Credits) | I bet there's whole dollar bills stuck between the cushions.
    • Old Loveseat 2 (2,000 Credits) | Doesn't look like this seat had much love, if you ask me.
    • Old Mattress (2,000 Credits) | There's just a store in Miami that sells old mattresses.
    • Old Metal Can (100 Credits) | Found in an old wrestling ring.
    • Old Monitor (3,500 Credits) | It still works, and you can watch videos on it too!
    • Old Newspaper (300 Credits) | I think the date says Oct 26, 1985?
    • Old Office Chair (1,000 Credits) | Still working after all these years.
    • Old Plastic Jar (300 Credits) | Nobody knows what's in it, but we're selling it.
    • Old Pot 1 (1,000 Credits) | I mean...you *could* cook in it, I guess.
    • Old Pot 2 (700 Credits) | The rust will come off with some scrubbing.
    • Old Pot 3 (700 Credits) | Just make sure to wash it first...
    • Old Radiator (2,000 Credits) | No guarantee that it'll still work.
    • Old Stool (1,500 Credits) | Not old school, though.
    • Old Stove (2,500 Credits) | We are not liable should the stove spontaneously combust.
    • Old Washing Machine (100 Credits) | Will wash just about anything. Or so I was told.
    • Picture Frame 1 (2,000 Credits) | Frame yourself. Paintable. Credit: Willow
    • Picture Frame 2 (2,000 Credits) | Frame yourself. Paintable. Credit: Willow
    • Picture Frame 3 (2,000 Credits) | Frame yourself. Paintable. Credit: Willow
    • Pillow (2,500 Credits) | Pillow Forts anyone? Paintable. Credit: Akiko
    • Plastic Chair (1,000 Credits) | Found on the side of the road, still sittable.
    • Plastic Panel (128x128x2) (1,000 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Plastic Panel (128x32x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Plastic Panel (128x64x2) (875 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Plastic Panel (32x32x2) (500 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Plastic Panel (64x32x2) (625 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Plastic Panel (64x64x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Plastic Panel with Door (128x128x2) (1,250 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Potted Plant 1 (500 Credits) | A plant. Colorable. Credit: Akiko/ghantee
    • Potted Plant 2 (1,000 Credits) | Another plant. Colorable. Credit: ghantee
    • Recycled Cardboard (300 Credits) | Surprisingly comfortable. Especially if you have a stack of them.
    • Restaurant Booth (25,000 Credits) | A cozy restaurant booth that seats up to six. Credit: Akiko.
    • Retro Radio (1,500 Credits) | A radio that can play your Apartment's music!
    • Round Seat (4,000 Credits) | A decorative seat for up to 3 people! Credit: ghantee
    • Rubik's Cube (250 Credits) | "Unsolvable". Credit: Akiko
    • Skull (600 Credits) | Oh, no, it's not a /real/ skull...
    • Standing HDTV (12,500 Credits) | A TV for the people. Credit: Willow
    • Sticker Paintable (2,000 Credits) | A transparent sticker you can put any image on! Paintable. Credit: Akiko
    • Tabletop Lamp (2,500 Credits) | Brighten up your day with this lamp! Credit: NivekNait
    • Traffic Cone (1,000 Credits) | The CONE. It COMMANDS. You OBEY.
    • Trash Can (2,500 Credits) | I still can't believe somebody would throw away a perfectly good trash can.
    • Tri-Photo Frame (2,500 Credits) | For pictures of Mom...or Gaben. Paintable. Credit: Akiko
    • Wall Clock (500 Credits) | Tell time with this handy-dandy clock! Credit: Akiko
    • Wall Lamp 1 (4,000 Credits) | Brighten up your day with this lamp on the wall! Credit: NivekNait
    • Wall Lamp 2 (4,000 Credits) | Brighten up your day with this lamp on the wall! Credit: NivekNait
    • Wall Lamp 3 (4,000 Credits) | Brighten up your day with this lamp on the wall! Credit: Willow
    • Wall-Mounted HDTV (25,000 Credits) | A TV to put above your battlestation! Supports videos! Credit: Willow
    • Wine Barrel (7,500 Credits) | For fancy social drinking! (50 uses)
    • Wine Barrel Stack (45,000 Credits) | For special occassions! (300 uses)
    • Wood Bench (2,000 Credits) | A pretty decent bench. May or may not fall over.
    • Wood Panel (128x128x2) (1,000 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Wood Panel (128x32x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Wood Panel (128x64x2) (875 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Wood Panel (32x32x2) (500 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Wood Panel (64x32x2) (625 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Wood Panel (64x64x2) (750 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Wood Panel with Door (128x128x2) (1,250 Credits) | A building prop panel. Credit: Akiko
    • Wooden Chair 1 (1,500 Credits) | It's just an old wooden chair. I dunno what else to tell you.
    • Wooden Chair 2 (1,500 Credits) | Found in an abandoned bar. Don't worry, we bleached it.
    • Wooden Crate (1,500 Credits) | Not compatible with crowbars.
    • Wooden Nightstand (1,000 Credits) | Grandma's old nightstand.
    • Wooden Table 1 (1,500 Credits) | Honestly, this thing is held together with duck tape.
    • Wooden Table 2 (1,500 Credits) | More epoxy than wood at this point.
  • Added (WIP) YukiLevels for Players
    • YukiLevel is back from Old Yuki! See how you measure up (statistically) against other players with a single number that boils down your entire existence!
    • Please note, the algorithm has changed compared to Old Yuki (your level will be different), and is still a work-in-progress.
    • GUI: Scoreboard now shows YukiLevels
  • Chat: The Return of the YukiBot
    • YukiBot also makes its return! YukiBot is a small little chatbot that responds to common questions posted in chat, helping players find their way.
  • Map: Players now earn credits for killing other players in E1M1 (PVP)
  • Time: Added "cold weather" fog/cold breath for northern hemisphere Winter season
  • Statistics: Slot Jackpots, Lottery Wins, and Easter Egg Hunt eggs collected are now tracked
  • Slot Machine: Adjusted paytable odds
  • Private Theaters: Refunding Rent is now allowed at any time (mostly to allow players to check into Apartments)
  • Map: Added Highrise Elevator support (w/ small chance of ejecting physics props out at players when the doors open teehee)
  • Map: Added Holiday ambience
  • HUD: Fixed normal HUD stuff drawing on top of the Eight Ball HUD with low screen resolutions
  • Chat: Players are now wished a Happy Anniversary on the day of Yuki's (Re-)Launch Anniversary
  • New Year's Event: Made several adjustments to where and how often Fireworks spawn
  • New Year's Event: Fixed HUD notification saying the wrong (next) time zone
  • New Year's Event: Fixed Hawaii-Aleutian time zone saying "Happy New Year Unknown Time Zone"
  • New Year's Event: Reduce length from 10 minutes to 7.5 minutes
  • Chat: Added a little welcome message for when you join <3
  • Map Config: Fixed the whole of Manga Shop not being considered as being "local" to each other
  • Shop Detail: Fixed pet names not being drawn sometimes
  • Camera SWEP: Fixed selling/losing the weapon not resetting draw settings
  • Removed "[Olympus Beta]" from server name
  • Fixed tombstone model not having a bottom
  • Experiments: Added Anaglyph 3D experiment
  • HUD: Portable Radio artist and title info is now updated more frequently

  • Statistics: Death count, NPC Kills, Player vs. Player Kills, and Alcohol Consumed are now tracked
  • Media: Titles for Media are now put in the Server Name for select services
  • Media: "Movie Night Happening Now!" is now automatically added to the Server Name during Movie Nights
  • Effects: Improved vomit effect start position, limited the number of decals to prevent FPS tanking
  • GUI: Items can no longer be spawned inside of NPCs or Players
  • GUI: Lights can now be controlled from the Location Owner Settings
  • Sounds: Fixed door sound effects not being heard on the client
  • GUI: Fixed Interaction HUD still being visible while dead
  • Shopkeeper: Made shop names more visible on bright backgrounds
  • Media: Improved Direct Audio tag parsing (artist and song title should show up more reliably now)
  • Media: Added alions.pro, awish.pro, goone.pro, and streamwish.to subservice support
  • Media: Fixed TikTok thumbnails
  • Weapons: Fixed weapons also firing if a player throws a physics object with left click
  • Inventory: Fixed Player Glow rendering for players that aren't visible (for the most part)
  • GUI: Fixed Player Info drawing for players that aren't visible (for the most part)
  • Inventory: Ported Wall Clock, Light, Paintable, Colorable, and Media Speaker entities from GMCL
  • GUI: Added Item Count bar for Yuki Apartments in Location Owner Settings
  • Media: Media Controllers are now instantiated more reliably, and attach themselves to Locations in a more reliable way
  • Media: HEAD instead of GET + bytes=0-1 is now used for Direct Video/Audio service queries (better supported, solves some scenarios where the media won't ever succeed or fail)
  • Media: Requests now silently fail if the requester leaves the server before it finishes
  • Media: Updated the GoGoAnime domain again
  • Weapons: Weapons are now fully holstered when picking up a physics object
  • GUI: Fixed weapon equipment changes not triggering the "RELOADING" placeholder in the Q Inventory Menu
  • Media: Fixed the mute hotkey ignoring whether Media Hotkeys are enabled or not
  • Achievements: Always allow the achievement sound effect to play, even if sound-effects-while-media-playing are turned off in settings
  • GUI: Updated/Added several Shop NPC dialogs for Yuki
  • Extensions: Made Prop Physics overrides to our custom Prop Physics entity more reliable
  • Media: Now says who locked the queue instead of just a generic "the queue was locked" message
  • Events: Fixed Apartment Front Desk NPCs being treated as Shops by the Shop Sale event
  • Pets: Custom names with bad characters now have those characters replaced with * (there's already a setting to disable Pet Name drawing if you want it to be invisible)

Last edited:
  • Locations: Rewrote a large part of the system to support locations created in-map and overlapping locations (smaller ones inside of bigger ones)
  • Locations: Improved how Location Objects work and added support for "Owned Locations" which allows shared code between Private Theaters and Apartments systems
  • Locations: Fixed ejecting players from locations they're not allowed in failing sometimes
  • Locations: Custom names with bad characters now have those characters replaced with *
  • Achievements: Improved achievement category separation in the Scoreboard
  • Achievements: Added support for session-only achievements
  • Scoreboard: Added NPC Dialog Speed setting
  • Inventory: Added support for Apartment-only Spawnable items
  • Inventory: Fixed trying to sell unequipped items not working (and causing issues)
  • Inventory: Fixed some scenarios where Playermodels were being treated as "None" items and were broken/not interactable in some ways
  • Admin: Fixed alt bans banning the alt for much longer than intended
  • Scoreboard: Increased max HUD Player Info Distance setting from 1024 units to 2048
  • Extensions: Standardized cached texture generation for things like floating text (performance improvement)
  • Extensions: Fixed searches by player name not preferring exact matches
  • Admin: Added /limits chat command for devs to check on server health
  • Chat: Actually properly handle chat bubble failures (no more "chat bubble failed" console messages when it's not actually a problem!)
  • Inventory: Moved item coloring from the ItemColor matproxy (GMCL legacy code) to SGSItemColor
  • Inventory: Fixed errors with Render Screen Space for non-x86-64 players
  • Inventory: Changed "You lost" to "You spent" for currency messages
  • Extensions: Several modules imported from base GMod that we don't use are now unloaded for performance
  • Extensions: Fixed error logging after Facepunch removed debug.getregistry from GMod (thanks guys!)
  • Extensions: Made error logging more reliable for errors with long strings
  • Extensions: Added more entities to the "unneeded" auto-removal list (helps with entity limit)
  • Extensions: Improved default render target texture filtering (Trilinear -> Anisotropic)
  • Networking: Slight optimization to entity index network bit count

Yuki Website
  • Media Logs: Added support for TikTok and Kick embeds
  • Loading: Added background #54
  • MOTD: Added "decorate your apartment" to the feature list
  • GitHub: Added default thumbnails for Direct Audio and Direct Video services

SGS Website
  • The website has been rewritten and updated for Bootstrap v5!
    • Improved the appearance of just about everything, including links (/donate.php -> /donate/)
  • Donate: Added Supporter and Power Supporter ranks
    • The emails you get when you donate/subscribe also look better, we added proper Gifting support, and the "just donated" messages in Discord got a facelift!
  • Home: New homepage shows announcements in a better card-based format
  • About: Senior Moderators are now listed alongside Developers as Higher Staff in the team member list

Now that's what I call a big changelog! We hope you enjoy decorating your new Apartment, and Happy Anniversary! ❤️

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