Sticky [Discord] Channel Request

Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter is a game growing in popularity here in the west and it would be nice for people to have a place to talk about sets or just look for hunts.
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We already have quite a few people pre-order the game. This game will require team work and communication is key.

Pusa's suggestion also works for a Blizzard channel.
I sometimes find interesting things that I would like to share that aren't funny or fit other tags, like home ideas or an interesting car and want to share with others but don't want to clog up Lobby with random pictures etc. This could also fit the cool items people see for purchase like the cat ear headphones I remember ppl talking about etc
I sometimes find interesting things that I would like to share that aren't funny or fit other tags, like home ideas or an interesting car and want to share with others but don't want to clog up Lobby with random pictures etc. This could also fit the cool items people see for purchase like the cat ear headphones I remember ppl talking about etc
I think thatd be great actually
League of Legends
I know there are mods that play as well as others on yukitheater myself included.
We had a MOBA channel at one point but it was used to rarely that it was deleted and from what I understand conversations about MOBA games fall under the General Gaming channel.
DC/Comics (? Not sure for a good name for this)
I really love the DC comic books universe and I know there is a media channel and TV show channel. But I would really love a section just for comic book lovers like me.
I love talking about the latest comics that come out and posting links from comic con and new things happening in the DC/marvel comic universe. c:
Unless I am blind and there is a channel like this, I don't see a good section for it.
DC/Comics (? Not sure for a good name for this)
I really love the DC comic books universe and I know there is a media channel and TV show channel. But I would really love a section just for comic book lovers like me.
I love talking about the latest comics that come out and posting links from comic con and new things happening in the DC/marvel comic universe. c:
Unless I am blind and there is a channel like this, I don't see a good section for it.
It fits into the #tv-movies-media category. I don't know if demand would indicate a need for its own channel.
It fits into the #tv-movies-media category. I don't know if demand would indicate a need for its own channel.
It was just a thought, I want to talk about issues of the comic books. Like the latest issues that come out ^^;
I dont want to talk about the adaptation of it becoming a TV show or movie.
I already know about that channel that's why I mentioned it already. Just wanted to know if a text channel just strictly comics was possible. Considering we have an anime channel. You could say anime fits in the category #tv-movies-media, yet it has it's own place.

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