Captain Alpaca
New Member
Steam Username
Captain Alpaca
Length of Ban
Staff Member that Banned You
I do not know it was more than 5 years ago
Ban Reason
Flaming, Lieing, and Hating on Community
Why You Should Be Unbanned
I think I was still a teenager when the ban happened and now I am 26 years old. I have grown and slightly matured. I donated to the server back then and was pretty involved and honestly, an all around epic gamer. This still persists to this day, and I would bring great value to the server. I never remember explicitly breaking any rules. I think the ban was more of a personal decision in a moment of passion. The year is 2020, thousands are dying to a crazy virus, the election is drawing near, and so too is the end of a once great empire. Why not let Captain Alpaca back in? Forreal tho I'm a pretty nice guy and dont queue gore or porn or other wack stuff. The ban should at least be looked into, since I do not specifically remember breaking any rules explicitly. I honestly just want to try to catch up with people I have not spoken to in all this time and see what has changed. Stay Cool gamers B-)
Captain Alpaca
Length of Ban

Staff Member that Banned You
I do not know it was more than 5 years ago
Ban Reason
Flaming, Lieing, and Hating on Community
Why You Should Be Unbanned
I think I was still a teenager when the ban happened and now I am 26 years old. I have grown and slightly matured. I donated to the server back then and was pretty involved and honestly, an all around epic gamer. This still persists to this day, and I would bring great value to the server. I never remember explicitly breaking any rules. I think the ban was more of a personal decision in a moment of passion. The year is 2020, thousands are dying to a crazy virus, the election is drawing near, and so too is the end of a once great empire. Why not let Captain Alpaca back in? Forreal tho I'm a pretty nice guy and dont queue gore or porn or other wack stuff. The ban should at least be looked into, since I do not specifically remember breaking any rules explicitly. I honestly just want to try to catch up with people I have not spoken to in all this time and see what has changed. Stay Cool gamers B-)