Search results

  1. WinterPhoenix

    Dec 25, 2020

    This list contains changes made to YukiTheater since Nov 25, 2020. Updated Map to v2 RC5: The Holidays have returned to YukiTheater! The Private Theater Hallway added in the last update is now covered in a thick layer of snow -- no doubt the snowmen are behind this v2 RC4 improved performance...
  2. WinterPhoenix

    Nov 25, 2020

    This list contains changes made to YukiTheater since Aug 11, 2020. Added super beta VRMod support Updated Map to v2 RC3 MrMuffinz has brought us yet another update to the v2 map! A new breed of Zombies now roams the Outside areas under a red-coated sky. Is this an eclipse, or something else...
  3. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted Captain Alpaca Ban Appeal

    Hi Captain Alpaca, The staff and I had a discussion and have decided to unban you. Please review the Rules before rejoining so you don't get banned again. See you there! /appealed /locked
  4. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Mint's Application

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Low playtime, Not seen by staff members often, Concern about not sticking around. Should you wish to apply again in the future, we ask you to please review the reasons above and fix them...
  5. WinterPhoenix

    Denied It's Been 2 years. Unban me

    Hi FinalDeath, Your ban appeal isn't in the correct format, therefore I'll have to deny it. /denied /locked
  6. WinterPhoenix

    [Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - macOS

    It's probably just too old. Support for Sierra ended in 2019. From what I can tell googling around, there's some stuff that's missing from older versions of macOS that's in 10.15 Catalina, which is what we compile the executable with. You've got 2 options: Update to a newer version of macOS...
  7. WinterPhoenix

    [Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - macOS

    What version of macOS are you on?
  8. WinterPhoenix

    Denied 3rrotic's 2nd BananAppeal

    Hi 3rrotic, Just because other people may have broken the rules for videos and they may or may not have happened to fall through the cracks of our moderation, doesn't mean they aren't held to the same level of standard we expected of you. Regardless, much like with Zero Two's appeal, the...
  9. WinterPhoenix

    Denied CrimsonEmbers Ban Appeal

    Hi Crimson, Your ban was on Feb 24, 2019 and was for the following reasons: Discrimination, Trolling, Ear Rape, Gore, Permanent, Log IDs: 2433984, 2460154, 2460167, 2505362 We don't even consider unbanning for Permanent offenses until at least 2 full years afterward. You'll have to wait, and...
  10. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Acid's Moderator Application

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Low playtime, unfamiliar to staff, no past experience. Should you wish to apply again in the future, we ask you to please review the reasons above and fix them before doing so. Better...
  11. WinterPhoenix

    YukiTheater | v2 RC2 Map Update Released!

    Hello Theatergoers! We're happy to announce a New Update for YukiTheater bringing our v2 Map to Release Candidate 2! With a New Story to Discover, Secret Locations, the Return of Zombies, and 9 New Achievements, this update has plenty waiting for you to explore! View the Full Changelog here...
  12. WinterPhoenix

    Sticky Missing Textures, Models, or Map

    The sink texture thing should be fixed now
  13. WinterPhoenix

    Aug 11, 2020

    This list contains changes made to YukiTheater since Feb 11, 2020. Updated v2 Map to RC2 A New Map Update brought to you by our very own MrMuffinz! A Story to Discover: A path has been opened, with Journal entries scattered along its way! New Secret Locations: 3 New A whole new area of the...
  14. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Requesting To Be Allowed Back Into YukiTheater

    Hi Zero Two, The incident with you, 3rrotic, etc is still fresh in our minds. Also, as a matter of course, Permanent bans are not considered for appeal until at least 2 years after the ban has taken place. Try again in a couple of years. /denied /locked
  15. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted kandikane ban appeal

    Hi KandiKane, The staff and I have had a discussion and decided that we'll give you another shot, since it's been about 4 years. Please re-familiarize yourself with the Rules before you rejoin. We've also unbanned your original Forums account. See you there! /appealed /locked
  16. WinterPhoenix

    Can't Fix I have bug when i add video Message say video disable

    Cinema isn't capable of playing Embed Disabled videos. This will, however, be fixed in Olympus. Keep an eye out for that and thanks for the report!
  17. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted Meatball(TowelDog) ban appeal

    Hi there, The Staff has voted to unban you on the condition that your ban will be reinstated should you break any Rules. Please re-familiarize yourself with them before joining. Welcome back and see you there! /accepted /locked
  18. WinterPhoenix

    HamidulOmith's Application

    Hello there! We're mostly concerned about not having any Lua experience, while applying for a position mainly focused on programming in Lua. Could you provide any examples of things you've made in it previously?
  19. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Cyanide's Staff Application :)

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Playtime too low, recent warning. Should you wish to apply again in the future, we ask you to please review the reasons above and fix them before doing so. Better luck next time! /denied...
  20. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Rei's Mod Application v2

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Concern about abusing power in position previously, concern about not improving since previously being mod. Should you wish to apply again in the future, we ask you to please review the...