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  1. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Glasses options!
  2. salty bird

    New developer on board!

    Welcome fam!
  3. salty bird

    Hi there!

    hey welcome
  4. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Ruby's Crescent Rose
  5. salty bird

    I shit...

    I shit...
  6. salty bird

    Making the Exclusive Theater Free

    @Mayor Qwert You're honestly the only one that I've notice bring this type of thing up before so it really hasn't been an issue Can you imagine the amount of people skip raiding and getting butt hurt when they don't get a turn? It's not difficult to get credits "just saying have a public...
  7. salty bird

    Making the Exclusive Theater Free

    @Mayor Qwert I can understand using creds for theaters can be quite annoying, especially if you're a frugal person like me, but sadly like the others have said there's a reason why they cost money. However if it makes you feel any better, if you play even just a few weeks you'll have enough...
  8. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Add light sabers for donation ranks (matches colors etc) or just light sabers period
  9. salty bird

    Expired Having trouble downloading game files.

    You tried unsubbing and resubbing to all Yuki content on Steam right?
  10. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

  11. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    I know we discussed it in a meeting once, but just gonna add it here While renting a theater be able to give theater powers to someone so they can move videos in que or lock theater whitelist/blacklist type system
  12. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    This is already available in server. F4>Add Rent...As long as you have the money you can keep adding time.
  13. salty bird


  14. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    A bubble gun or confetti gun A weapon vending machine for the Event Room, only one gun per person and can only be used in event room Katanas that do no damage but just to have for fun Little pets or items that can be held on the body like a bird pet on the shoulder or a magic book on the hip, etc
  15. salty bird

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Use 'Reply' to post any ideas you think will compliment YukiTheater, and her community. These ideas should ideally be something that will be enjoyable and, or sought after by the community as a whole. Also, please, if you have an idea, don't be afraid to post it so long as it follows the...
  16. salty bird

    Hey! so i made a thing on here!

    yo welcome
  17. salty bird

    Denied Jakeyyyy's Ban Appeal (EFFORT)

    After reading this, your ban still stands at 1 week. I will be presenting this to the staff chat to see if further action needs to be taken. Also, here is your warning log. Name: Jakeyyyy Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87019304 Alt Steam IDs: No. of Warnings and Kicks: 4 Warnings, 1 Kick Past offenses...
  18. salty bird

    Denied It was just a prank bro - Salty isn't very fun

    Hi, I was the mod who banned you. Over the past week or so you have been warned about using discriminatory words on multiple occasions, you have also harassed other players with the same type of discrimination. You also have been warned for watching this disturbing video, which is not allowed on...
  19. salty bird

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ(_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅weed_̅_̅_̅()ڪے

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ(_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅weed_̅_̅_̅()ڪے
  20. salty bird

    This is probably the wrong forum but I need help with my mic

    does it do this on all outlets or just Garry's Mod?