[Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - macOS

Did that. every time you launch the game it either shows a blue screen or an animation of GMod. I've also tried other fixes and nothing changed. Maybe the new macOS Monterey is somehow interfering with the program?
What version of macOS are you on specifically?
MacBook Air 2020 M1 macOS Monterey 12.5
When you launch GMod after applying the fix, does macOS's Console.app say anything? There should also be a file called chromium.log in GMod's install that should have more info
When you launch GMod after applying the fix, does macOS's Console.app say anything? There should also be a file called chromium.log in GMod's install that should have more info
Everything the console says after applying the fix:

No Files Need Fixing!

CEFCodecFix applied successfully! Took 0.9721 second(s).

Do you want to Launch Garry's Mod now? (yes/no)

>>> y

Launching Garry's Mod:

open steam://rungameid/4000

Press Enter to continue...
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
Deleting expired sessions...none found.
[Process completed]
Everything the console says after applying the fix:

No Files Need Fixing!

CEFCodecFix applied successfully! Took 0.9721 second(s).

Do you want to Launch Garry's Mod now? (yes/no)

>>> y

Launching Garry's Mod:

open steam://rungameid/4000

Press Enter to continue...
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
Deleting expired sessions...none found.
[Process completed]
macOS’s Console.app. Not Terminal
hi, when i try to lauch it, garysmod_signed send a message has game can be running one time, but the game is open 1 time only. should i try to re download gmod and refix it, cause i think i deleted some document by mistakes ?
after verifying my documents were not corrupted, i try to lauch it and get that


GMod CEF Codec Fix
Created by: Solstice Game Studios
How To Guide:
Contact Us:
Discord: https://www.solsticegamestudios.com/chat.html
Email: [email protected]

Error: Could not get CEFCodecFix remote version!
Exception: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='raw.githubusercontent.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /solsticegamestudios/GModCEFCodecFix/master/version.txt (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x10bf99630>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))

If you need help, follow the Guide first:
- https://www.solsticegamestudios.com/forums/threads/60/

If that doesn't work, contact us:
- Discord: https://www.solsticegamestudios.com/chat.html
- Email: [email protected]

Press Enter to continue...
Saving session...
...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...

[Opération terminée]

what should i do ,
hi, when i try to lauch it, garysmod_signed send a message has game can be running one time, but the game is open 1 time only. should i try to re download gmod and refix it, cause i think i deleted some document by mistakes ?
The game should not be running when you run the fix, as noted in the directions.

after verifying my documents were not corrupted, i try to lauch it and get that


GMod CEF Codec Fix
Created by: Solstice Game Studios
How To Guide:
Contact Us:
Discord: https://www.solsticegamestudios.com/chat.html
Email: [email protected]

Error: Could not get CEFCodecFix remote version!
Exception: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='raw.githubusercontent.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /solsticegamestudios/GModCEFCodecFix/master/version.txt (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x10bf99630>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))

If you need help, follow the Guide first:
- https://www.solsticegamestudios.com/forums/threads/60/

If that doesn't work, contact us:
- Discord: https://www.solsticegamestudios.com/chat.html
- Email: [email protected]

Press Enter to continue...
Saving session...
...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...

[Opération terminée]

what should i do ,

You have some sort of trouble connecting to Github. Ensure that you can open this url in a web browser so we can figure out how to proceed.
Hi, thank you for working on such a crucial fix!

However, now that my game start without the -nochromium comand with the fix, I have a problem that the main menu is all bugged up and none of the buttons work. So the game starts, but it is still glitched in some way not allowing me to use anything.

Here is the link to a screenshot http://joxi.ru/E2pYGK0cvglDnA.png
Hi, thank you for working on such a crucial fix!

However, now that my game start without the -nochromium comand with the fix, I have a problem that the main menu is all bugged up and none of the buttons work. So the game starts, but it is still glitched in some way not allowing me to use anything.

Here is the link to a screenshot http://joxi.ru/E2pYGK0cvglDnA.png
This means Chromium failed to load for some reason. Sometimes, for some reason, it may take multiple launches through GModCEFCodecFix for the game to load Chromium successfully on macOS. Give it a few tries and let me know if it fails the same way every time.
This means Chromium failed to load for some reason. Sometimes, for some reason, it may take multiple launches through GModCEFCodecFix for the game to load Chromium successfully on macOS. Give it a few tries and let me know if it fails the same way every time.
Recently tried launching it 5 times are a pc restart and steam restart. Even checked that i do not load any workshop items, but I still seem to get the same bugged menu result.
This means Chromium failed to load for some reason. Sometimes, for some reason, it may take multiple launches through GModCEFCodecFix for the game to load Chromium successfully on macOS. Give it a few tries and let me know if it fails the same way every time.
Ended up running the game through parallels, since no matter how I tried the chromium failed to start.
Recently tried launching it 5 times are a pc restart and steam restart. Even checked that i do not load any workshop items, but I still seem to get the same bugged menu result.
Curious what system you're running this on. Specs?
@Kuzed @Kevqtz @Steintree

Hey, friends! You can see a fix was proposed to us here!

We have implemented this fix and as soon as the manifests are done regenerating, it should be good to go once you finish running GMod CEF Codec Fix again. Thanks for your patience.
when i try everything works then when i run it nothing happens for about 10 seconds then it says gmod quit unexpectedly. What do I do?
when i try everything works then when i run it nothing happens for about 10 seconds then it says gmod quit unexpectedly. What do I do?
Good question. Sorry for the delayed response. Can you tell me what model you are on (mostly would like to know if you're on Apple Silicon (M1/M2) or Intel CPU) and your OS version?
Realistically, if I had to throw a guess out, you may have some corrupted files and should verify integrity of your game files, then run GMod CEF Codec Fix again... but this could be a symptom of x64 translation being imperfect on Apple Silicon if you're on an M1/M2 system, as we're having a number of reports pertaining to this lately.

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