Hey everyone! Since we've added the Apartments feature, you've hit the ground running with clever builds, worthy of recognition. We want to reward that creativity, so we're going to start doing Themed Apartment Contests, with the first one beginning today!
Begins: Today!
Theme: Open Theme (it can be anything!)
Ends: 7PM Eastern on March 30, 2024
Judges: Select Staff
Contest Judging/Livestream: 7PM Eastern on March 30, 2024
How to Sign Up
Fill out and submit this form: https://forms.gle/P4majVDXqn8ZNxJdA
Discuss in our Discord's #yukitheater channel!
Good luck, and have fun! Love you!

1st Place
- 40,000 Credits
- A one-of-a-kind Gold "#1" Trophy for your Apartment
- A Gold "#1" Badge on your Player Card
2nd Place
- 20,000 Credits
- A one-of-a-kind Silver "#1" Trophy for your Apartment
- A Silver "#1" Badge on your Player Card
3rd Place
- 10,000 Credits
- A one-of-a-kind Bronze "#1" Trophy for your Apartment
- A Bronze "#1" Badge on your Player Card
Player's Choice
- Can be awarded to one of the podium finishers, or to somebody else entirely!
- 10,000 Credits
- A multi-color "#1" Badge on your Player Card
- A plain white "#1" Badge on your Player Card

- You must sign up with the form below and be available when we do the judging for your build to be considered
- You have until the End Time to build your submission. After that, it's "pencils down," aka you can't change stuff while judging is taking place
- You must only use the tools available to a normal player in Yuki to make your Apartment (no exploits, no noclip)
- You can submit an Apartment you already have as your build, so long as it follows the other rules
- Staff may participate if they follow the other rules, and are not a Judge

Fill out and submit this form: https://forms.gle/P4majVDXqn8ZNxJdA
Discuss in our Discord's #yukitheater channel!
Good luck, and have fun! Love you!