[Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - macOS


3D Modeler
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Below is the LEGACY guide. Please use the new one above, instead.
Step-by-step Guide to setting up GModCEFCodecFix on macOS
Note: Garry's Mod must be closed before following this guide.
GModCEFCodecFix officially supports macOS Catalina and newer. Support for older macOS version not guaranteed.
macOS versions supported by GModCEFCodecFix are subject to change.
If you are already on the [x86-64] branch, skip to step 4!
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1. Open Steam, then right click Garry's Mod from your Library games list. Select Properties from the menu.


2. In the properties window, switch to the "Betas" tab, click on the Dropdown menu and select "x86-64 - Chromium + 64-bit Binaries"


3. Now you can close the properties window and wait for the update to download.

4. Navigate to the latest Release on the GModCEFCodecFix Github page.

5. From that page, under Assets, click the appropriate package for your operating system. We'll use the .dmg file in this guide.


6. Open the .dmg file (this will mount it to your filesystem), then drag GModCEFCodecFix into the provided Applications folder shortcut to install it.
Note: You can eject the .dmg file and delete it if you wish after following this step.



7. Run GModCEFCodecFix from your Applications folder. When the app runs, it will tell you what it is doing throughout the process. If the files are not patched yet, the patches will download. Depending on your internet speed, this step can take a moment.
Note: If it's your first time running GModCEFCodecFix from a .dmg download, you'll need to allow it to run through "System Settings ▸ Privacy & Security"


8. When finished, you can launch GMod from the GModCEFCodecFix window by typing "y" and pressing Enter. If you do not wish to run GMod now, type "n" and press Enter.


Congratulations! If you made it this far, you're done. Luckily the application does pretty much all of the work for us this time.

To avoid the file patches reverting to the files included with GMod, be sure to use the GModCEFCodecFix application to launch GMod, or launch GMod via your games list. Using most methods of game launching on Steam forces a file validation pass which will revert these patches. You'll have to run the application again to re-patch the files if you do this.
1. Open Steam, then right click Garry's Mod from your Library games list. Select Properties from the menu.


2. In the properties window, switch to the "Betas" tab, click on the Dropdown menu and select "x86-64 - Chromium + 64-bit Binaries"


3. Now you can close the properties window and wait for the update to download.

4. Navigate to the latest Release on the GModCEFCodecFix Github page.

5. From that page, under Assets, click the appropriate package for your operating system to download the script. Use the version closest to the top of the page, that's the newest one!


6. Open Terminal from Applications ▸ ⁨Utilities or using Spotlight, then type the command
chmod +x
(make sure there's a space following the x) and drag the file you downloaded onto the Terminal window. Press Enter to run the command. This makes the Codec Fix executable. You will notice the icon for the GModCEFCodecFix file change if you've done this correctly.
Note: If this command fails, you may have to allow Terminal access to your disk within Security preferences.



7. Double click the GModCEFCodecFix file in Finder. When the script runs, it will say what it is doing. If the files are not patched yet, the patches will download. Depending on your internet speed, this step can take a moment.


8. When finished, you can launch GMod from the GModCEFCodecFix window by typing "y" and pressing Enter. If you do not wish to run GMod now, type "n" and press Enter.


Congratulations! If you made it this far, you're done. Luckily the application does pretty much all of the work for us this time.

To avoid the file patches reverting to the files included with GMod, be sure to use the GModCEFCodecFix application to launch GMod, or launch GMod via your games list. Using most methods of game launching on Steam forces a file validation pass which will revert these patches. You'll have to run the application again to re-patch the files if you do this.

Visual Install Guide

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Hi, i was trying to follow all the steps but when i open the GModCEFCodecFix file, this happens:


i already tried verifying gmod's integrity and even reinstalling the whole game and doing all the process again, but i still get that error, what can i do?
i already tried verifying gmod's integrity and even reinstalling the whole game and doing all the process again, but i still get that error, what can i do?
Thanks for the info. Because of how GMod on macOS is signed, we have to manually update patches every time GMod is updated itself. This may result in lapses of time where this error will happen if we're not notified in some way of the update. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll see to it that it's fixed ASAP.
Thanks for the info. Because of how GMod on macOS is signed, we have to manually update patches every time GMod is updated itself. This may result in lapses of time where this error will happen if we're not notified in some way of the update. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll see to it that it's fixed ASAP.

Oh ok, thanks for answering this quick! i hope you can find a solution soon
We now have an automated system in place to handle future updates to macOS GMod. As it stands, this process checks every 6 hours for an update, so the longest amount of time you'll go without access to GMod CEF Codec Fix is 6 hours. This is also nice because we no longer have to be informed of GMod updates and it'll just generate the new patches automagically.
Hey having trouble. Says "
[19001] Error loading Python lib '/var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEITsMiXI/libpython3.8.dylib': dlopen: dlopen(/var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEITsMiXI/libpython3.8.dylib, 10): Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin

Referenced from: /var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEITsMiXI/libintl.8.dylib

Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

in /var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEITsMiXI/libintl.8.dylib

Yas-iMac% /Users/yaface/Desktop/GModCEFCodecFix-macOS.py

[19003] Error loading Python lib '/var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEInT4zRM/libpython3.8.dylib': dlopen: dlopen(/var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEInT4zRM/libpython3.8.dylib, 10): Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin

Referenced from: /var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEInT4zRM/libintl.8.dylib

Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

in /var/folders/dr/6pk6p5397fxct5x7ym4v_l000000gn/T/_MEInT4zRM/libintl.8.dylib
No idea what to do in regards to coding, but I believe I need to have it run in python 3.8. Now, I have it installed however I dont know how to run it in 3.8 as the default python is in python 2.7.10. I also looked online how to make it default(python 3) and was told not to becuase "blah blah some files er something will crash because it needs blah blah python 2.7.10 or whatever the frick."(In my mind of course) So I know to get into to python 3 but I have no idea how execute THE file. As it says "syntax error" when my gunga brain attempts to just throw the file inside python. I tried to look it up but the nomenclature stated on the forums is just irritating and just too much for me. Anyway if I could get the appropriate "syntax" OR even be told "thats not the issue......... blah blah here's the fix" or hell even a response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

You shouldn't need to be doing anything with Python. Download the executable from the releases tab on Github here.
After that, make the file executable in macOS by running `chmod +x` on it. This is outlined in the tutorial. When this is done you can simply run the executable directly from Finder or from a Terminal.
Okie doke. So I started over, I followed the steps with the file I download(the MacOsCodecFix..) and I put in 'chmod +x' with it and ran it. Easy done, I got the Exec. file. However, when I try run it through finder or by putting it in terminal I get that error message above. Sorry if I wasn't clear on my first message with what step I was on.(p.s. Thank you for the response)

What version of macOS are you on?
sierra 10.12.6
It's probably just too old. Support for Sierra ended in 2019.

From what I can tell googling around, there's some stuff that's missing from older versions of macOS that's in 10.15 Catalina, which is what we compile the executable with.

You've got 2 options:
  1. Update to a newer version of macOS, likely you'll need at least 10.14 Mojave
  2. Get the .py script, install all of its dependencies, possibly modify those dependencies to work around some bugs, and run it yourself
if it says permission denied in the terminal after you drag the file in what should you do?
Did you make sure to type "chmod +x " before dragging the file onto it? This is the command to make the script executable, so it's kind of important. Please note that the space following the x is required or the command will not work.
Did you make sure to type "chmod +x " before dragging the file onto it? This is the command to make the script executable, so it's kind of important. Please note that the space following the x is required or the command will not work.
sorry forgot to delete it I had to give terminal access to the entire disk in order to let it convert the file to an executable one, got it to work eventually
Hello! I know this forum is technically dead, But I have my own "Issue" When I enter the whole command, it just says :
usage: chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-a | +a | =a [# [ n]]] mode|entry file ...

chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-E | -C | -N | -i | -I] file ...
Is this a good thing?
Hello! I know this forum is technically dead, But I have my own "Issue" When I enter the whole command, it just says :
usage: chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-a | +a | =a [# [ n]]] mode|entry file ...

chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-E | -C | -N | -i | -I] file ...
Is this a good thing?
Forum's not dead, just a bit quiet! I check every day multiple times :)
You're not completing the command, it's meant to be like this:
chmod +x <path to gmodcefcodecfix executable>
Make extra sure there is a space following the "+x" then you can just drag the executable file onto the terminal window!
Forum's not dead, just a bit quiet! I check every day multiple times :)
You're not completing the command, it's meant to be like this:
chmod +x <path to gmodcefcodecfix executable>
Make extra sure there is a space following the "+x" then you can just drag the executable file onto the terminal window!
So I'm new here and I was following this and it gave me this error in terminal (zsh: parse error near `\n') is there something I'm missing

You're not supposed to paste the <path to gmodcefcodecfix executable> part, lol.
instead of pasting that part, drop the file you downloaded onto the terminal there in place of it.

Edit: it should look something similar to this, but will depend on how your file is stored.

chmod +x /home/USER/Downloads/GModCEFCodecFix-macOS