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This is a poem about the first experience all members go through with Pat, some try to forget and others try to hide it, but please do not cry, if you start to remember. Enjoy. (P.S. Please don't ask me to do any more of these Pat lol)

Pat is someone we all seem to know, because as soon as we joined he put on the show.

"Come with me" he says with a smile on his face. "Let me show you around this fun place"

He holds you hand so warm and dear. He makes you seem to forget all your fears.

Soon you arrive at Pat's final stop, What lies ahead? Why a simple Manga shop.

He takes you in, and straight to the back. "I can get you some credits, from my special sack."

Young and naive, we always agree. but what happens next to hard to believe.

He takes off his pants, and to our surprise. He shows us his hot dog, tremendous in size.

Before we can speak, our mouths are filled full. Pat is quite rough, like a raging black bull.

We begin to cry, we wish we had help, but we cant make a sound, not even a yelp.

Pat is fast, he finishes with speed. but Pat isn't done, he is fueled by greed.

Before we can run, we're thrown to the floor, Pat uses a chair to barricade the door.

He touch is so soft, gentle, and kind. This is not something to keep in mind.

Soon he gets rough, rougher then before. Now we know why, everyone seems so sore.

Faster and Faster he tears us to shreds, we are just wishing we were all dead.

Time seems to stop, as we endure the pain. We lie on the floor filled with utter shame.

Pat picks us up, holding us by the thighs. wrapping him with our arms with tears in our eyes.

Pat whispers in our ear "Trust me it's okay." Now, for some reason our fears fade away.

Staring deep in his eyes, you feel the connection. You want this more then ever, now filled with affection.

You pull him in tight and let out a moan, Here with Pat, you feel right as home.

The room feels so hot, youre covered in sweat, But Pat doesn't mind cause you're dripping wet.

Faster and Faster, Pat is ready to burst, You soon come to realize that he is your First.

You whisper in his ear "Onii-chan, please go inside. I want you to see how deep you can hide."

Pat squeezes your hips, tighter then ever. but in this moment, hes as gentle as a feather.

You feel it oozing around ever so deep, this is a moment you sure want to keep.

Collapsing to the floor, Pat is ever so tired. You laying on his chest filled with desire.

You hear his heart pound, louder then a drum. With his dick in your ass, that he just filled with cum.

You wake hours later still in position, Pat in your arms, You feel an obsession.

You leave Pat to rest while you carry on your way, hoping to do this again some other day.

A few days have pasted so you return to the cinema, hoping to see Pat, fresh from an enema.

But you heart is broken for what do you see? Pat with another member how could it be?

You knew it was to good, for it to be real, for now you know, its not how you feel.

Pat doesn't care about your emotions. As he only cares about his devotion.

You have not the heart to stop what you see, so you go back inside to theater number three.

As you watch your anime, You show a big smile, knowing for a moment, Pat was yours for awhile.

This is a story about all Yuki Members. Let me refresh your memory, let me help you remember.

For why we love Pat for all that he is, even if he only wants to fill us with his jizz.
