Search results

  1. Akiko

    Sticky [YukiTheater] Paintables Preset Request Thread

    Request a default image to be added to a Paintable Item of your choice (excluding the Sticker Paintable) here! Please only request one item for each image, as we want to diversify and differentiate the items as much as possible! -Example/Template- Paintable Item: Picture Frame 2 Image URL...
  2. Akiko

    What do you want/expect from YukiTheater's v3 map?

    An interesting discussion topic came to mind, so I'm making this thread. I'm curious to see what the community believes would be best for YukiTheater's upcoming v3 map. What are some things you like/don't like about v2? What are some things you would like to see in v3? Are there things you'd...
  3. Akiko

    Cosmetics Offset Sharing! (Olympus)

    Have a Cosmetics Setting just right on your favorite playermodel(s)? Share them here so others can look as cool as you do! You can share your Hat Settings either in a screenshot or in text using the following template (Cosmetic name) settings for (Playermodel name) Ang P: # Y: # R: # Pos X...
  4. Akiko

    GModCEFCodecFix - FAQ

    Check out the New Guide Here Below are the LEGACY FAQ. Please use the new guide above, instead. Preface: I've seen a lot of people having similar issues with GModCEFCodecFix, so I've decided to make up an FAQ thread to help answer some of the...
  5. Akiko

    [YukiTheater] Hat/Accessory Request Thread

    Request 'em here! -Template for requests- Hat/Accessory name: Description: Model link (if one exists): Function (if one exists) :
  6. Akiko

    [Obsolete] How To: Direct Link Audio from Dropbox

    Edit (July, 2020): Dropbox has changed how the site works and this method no longer works, USE THIS METHOD INSTEAD! The benefits of playing direct audio links in GMod Cruise Line are numerous. You do not have to wait for audio fetching, you do not have to worry about audio/video...
  7. Akiko

    [Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - macOS

    Check out the New Guide Here Below is the LEGACY guide. Please use the new one above, instead. Step-by-step Guide to setting up GModCEFCodecFix on macOS Note: Garry's Mod must be closed before following this guide. GModCEFCodecFix officially...
  8. Akiko

    [Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - Linux

    Check out the New Guide Here Below is the LEGACY guide. Please use the new one above, instead. Step-by-step Guide to setting up GModCEFCodecFix on Linux Note: Garry's Mod must be closed before following this guide. If you are already on the [x86-64]...
  9. Akiko

    [Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - Windows

    Check out the New Guide Here Below is the LEGACY guide. Please use the new one above, instead. Step-by-step Guide to setting up GModCEFCodecFix on Windows Note: Garry's Mod must be closed before following this guide. If you are already on the...
  10. Akiko

    Hat and Accessories Request Thread

    Drop a request here! Template Model name: Workshop (or other) link: Picture/video of model in-game: Note: If you have an idea for a hat or accessory but no model, you should still request it here and if we like the idea, we can make it!
  11. Akiko

    Community Creations Mega Thread

    This thread serves to be a place where you can show off things you're creating to contribute to GMod Cruise Line. This includes but is not limited to Excursion Maps, Cabin Item Props, Playermodels, Hats, and Accessories. Any discussions about what you're working on to possibly bring into GMod...
  12. Akiko

    Sticky Arcade Games Suggestions Thread

    Request arcade games here in this format! Name of game: Link to Flash game: Note that because of bugs in GMod and protections on some games, they may not be possible to implement. There isn't a lot we can do about these issues if they arise. Like any replies of games you'd like to see added...
  13. Akiko

    GMCL on Linux: Bugs, Nuances, and Important Information

    This thread exists to provide support to those on Linux distributions who may want to play GMod Cruise Line. As with most other GMod experiences, Linux is not generally the most pleasant way to play, but since I play on Ubuntu sometimes, I can provide some insight and advice to those who also...
  14. Akiko

    [GMod Cruise Line] Playermodel Request Thread

    Drop a request here! Template Model name: Workshop (or other) link: Picture/video of model in-game:
  15. Akiko

    Fixed Voice Chat Not Functioning Properly

    Affected Gamemode/Excursion Minigolf Summary of Issue Encountered While aiming the ball, the key bind to voice chat does not seem to respond. While in free cam or while the ball is moving the issue ceases. Expected Result Voice chat works during the aiming phase of Minigolf. Actual Result...
  16. Akiko

    Sticky Bug Report Format

    Please follow this Template for creating New Topics on Bugs you've encountered in GMod Cruise Line. Affected Gamemode/Excursion Summary of Issue Encountered Expected Result Actual Result Steps to Reproduce Screenshots/Error(s) in Console (if applicable) of the Issue Thank you to...
  17. Akiko

    Sticky How To: Shortcut to Solstice Servers (YukiTheater, GMCL)

    How To Create Desktop Shortcuts to Solstice Game Studios Servers Click on the spoiler for the game server you want to create a shortcut for. Icon files and a short tutorial will be provided within the spoiler. Coming Soon...
  18. Akiko

    Sophie-bear's Free Steam Game Raffle

    How to Play: Leave ONE reply to this thread. Your post number will be your ticket number. I will draw numbers from the ticket numbers, then randomly draw from the list of prizes below to determine your prize. If for some reason the key for that prize turns out not to work, I will redraw another...
  19. Akiko

    Fixed Zero Playermodel Reloads Video Player

    Summary of Issue Encountered: Switching to the "Mega Man Zero" playermodel causes the video player to refresh. Expected Result: Video plays uninterrupted despite changing to a different playermodel. Actual Result: Video is reloaded/refreshed. Steps to Reproduce: Switch to MMZ while in a...
  20. Akiko

    Summer Giveaway Results

    The winners and their prizes will be listed below. Prizes will be delivered via Private Message on the forums within the next few hours. Congratulations and thank you for entering the giveaway! We hope you enjoy your prizes. I'd also like to thank @Zep and @salty bird for contributing prizes to...