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  1. Demonfr34k

    Name 5 Server Machines!

    I already said that, look to page 2 :3
  2. Demonfr34k

    What truely facinates you about space?

    Space both intrigues me but also scares the living shit out of me. Its so cool but yet how did it begin, what happened before the big bang is it an endless loop of time? Is space destined to explode, implode and explode again? I would love to go to space maybe in a distant future where it...
  3. Demonfr34k

    The Corrupt-A-Wish Game

    Granted But It doesnt work I wish for a paying job
  4. Demonfr34k

    Story Time

    So True...
  5. Demonfr34k

    Let's Play English Shiritori!

  6. Demonfr34k

    The Corrupt-A-Wish Game

    Granted, But It melts I wish for better dubbed animes.
  7. Demonfr34k

    Let's Play English Shiritori!

  8. Demonfr34k

    Name 5 Server Machines!

  9. Demonfr34k

    Name 5 Server Machines!

  10. Demonfr34k

    ..."No Luke.... I am your Farther..."

    ..."No Luke.... I am your Farther..."
  11. Demonfr34k

    Let's Play English Shiritori!

  12. Demonfr34k

    Hi It's Me!

    I just said I knew FUNimation would be dubbing didn't say it would be good. And so far my list of Top Favourite Animes like Kill La Kill, Blue Exorcist, Dururura!! etc have been Aniplex Dubs but they have their fair share of terrible too (Sword Art Online).
  13. Demonfr34k

    How to Play Midis on the Piano

    Do not know why, But I seem to like the click sound of hearing people type through mic.... Just a random Comment
  14. Demonfr34k

    What kind of music do you listen to?

    I listen to Electronic, pretty much any time, as well as Lindsey Stirling and the occasional Pop/Rock. But I udderly hate Rap or Country.
  15. Demonfr34k

    no more puns club

  16. Demonfr34k

    Let's Play English Shiritori!

  17. Demonfr34k

    TheHero's ★ WORD ASSOCIATION ★

  18. Demonfr34k

    Nuke the Forums Now! Before the Pun Wars Come!

    Nuke the Forums Now! Before the Pun Wars Come!