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  1. Slut

    My Arrival.

    hello new god i am butt
  2. Slut

    Sup guys

    Welcome to the forums and enjoy your time here and on the server~
  3. Slut

    awesome song~

    awesome song~
  4. Slut

    Ohai there!

    Heyo Nick welcome to the forums bud o/
  5. Slut

    I uploaded the pictures from my sig to puush and deleted those puushs and I got to lazy to...

    I uploaded the pictures from my sig to puush and deleted those puushs and I got to lazy to resize everything and shit
  6. Slut

    Eh there Buddy!

  7. Slut

    What is your favorite movie?

    Napoleon Dynamite
  8. Slut

    The Corrupt-A-Wish Game

    Granted but the only good thing you can draw is Sonic x Donkey Kong NSFW art I wish I could make others sneeze on command
  9. Slut

    no more puns club

  10. Slut

    no more puns club

    I'll see you in two years kid
  11. Slut

    no more puns club

    That's Absurd if you any more puns here I will end you ;~: (please don't ;~:)
  12. Slut

    Is that the guy himself????

    Ayy Ayy Welcome for the forums Steel~ Halo Reach was the only game I played and it was great
  13. Slut

    Count to 50 before a staff member replies winners

    I can't get on till the 9th so ;w; edit\ got my credits thank chu~
  14. Slut

    Name 5 Server Machines!

  15. Slut

    TheHero's ★ WORD ASSOCIATION ★

  16. Slut

    no more puns club

    So recently this Forum Game has came up as someone that hates puns I do not support a thread like this and i'm making a club in a effort to stop the puns so please support me in stopping these puns~ like if you agree...
  17. Slut

    TheHero's ★ WORD ASSOCIATION ★

  18. Slut

    Can't wait till me and Retro become staff memers~ #excited

    Can't wait till me and Retro become staff memers~ #excited
  19. Slut

    Hi It's Me!

    Welcome to the forums Demon o/ ^^~
  20. Slut

    -waiting to get unbanned so I can become a staff memer- :3

    -waiting to get unbanned so I can become a staff memer- :3