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  1. Momiji

    Wan wan wan

    Wan wan wan
  2. Momiji

    New Year Resolution *2016*

    Still doing my New Years Resolution
  3. Momiji

    TheHero's ★ WORD ASSOCIATION ★

  4. Momiji


    The only customization is the clothing.
  5. Momiji


    It is now!
  6. Momiji


    Yay, I'm glad to have found another squid kid, and it's Tea, no less! I suppose since you posted a picture of your squid, here's mine.
  7. Momiji


    I kinda see what you're saying, but I wouldn't say Splatoon is a complete copy of TF2...
  8. Momiji

    Let's Play English Shiritori!

  9. Momiji

    Count to 50 before a staff member replies winners

    I just got home from school and my Delayed Entry Program meeting.
  10. Momiji


    Am I the only one here who owns both the WiiU and actively plays Splatoon around here? (Read: Am I the only Kid/Squid around here?)
  11. Momiji

    Name 5 Server Machines!

    BADWOLF should be the name of another.
  12. Momiji

    Was able to count to 50 with Retro and Fluffy. We've come a long way.

    Was able to count to 50 with Retro and Fluffy. We've come a long way.
  13. Momiji

    What kind of music do you listen to?

    I come back to these two songs a lot.
  14. Momiji

    Let's Play English Shiritori!

    But Muffet, what's Shiritori? Well, Shiritori is a word-chain game where you take the last consonant of a word and use it to make another word! For example: Bird Dime Mission Night And so on. Since this is English Shiritori, it's practically endless, and since there's no Japanese speakers, I...
  15. Momiji

    I would be a staff member, but y'know, I can't commit to that.

    I would be a staff member, but y'know, I can't commit to that.
  16. Momiji

    Desktop Sharing Thread (Redux)

    Here's mine
  17. Momiji

    Shoobee doo shoo shoobee doo~

    Shoobee doo shoo shoobee doo~
  18. Momiji


    Hello there Taihou, I'd say you're in the right place to make some friends since most of us, save for a select few, like video games and/or anime, so you'll fit right in! Also, if you wanna play with a bot in comp, let me know. I'm literal trash at CSGO
  19. Momiji

    Sophie-bear says hello!

    My my, the bear puns are just roaring, aren't they? I hope Sophie doesn't get grizzly with us, or else we'll have a real bear of a problem. Anyhow, hello again Sophie, I pray you have fortune and (somewhat) good times with your development and music.