Search results

  1. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted exocel ban appeal

    Hi exocel, The Staff has discussed your ban, and we're willing to unban you on the condition that your ban will be reinstated should you break the rules again. Please read the rules before you rejoin. See you there! /accepted /locked
  2. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted ArkCarbon's Ban Appeal

    Hi Ark, The staff and I have discussed, and we're willing to unban you on the condition that should you break the rules again, your ban will be reinstated. Please read the rules before you rejoin, and welcome back! /accepted /locked
  3. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted Snyder1171's ban appeal

    Hi Snyder, We've chatted a bit and agree that we'll unban you on the condition that if you break the rules again, your ban will be reinstated. Please read the rules before you rejoin. See You There! /appealed /locked
  4. WinterPhoenix

    SGS Website / Email System Revamp!

    If you've been paying attention to the SGS Website the last several days, or you have Community @Events Notifications turned on in the Discord, you might've noticed that we've been working on the SGS Website and Forums, bringing everything up to date and looking just a bit better than before...
  5. WinterPhoenix

    Happy Eighth Anniversary!

    8 years ago today, I spun up a GMod server on an old laptop at home, officially re-launching YukiTheater. Originally I just wanted to build something that could replace GModTheater as a place for friends. Since then, we've grown to a community of thousands. With your help, we've been able to...
  6. WinterPhoenix

    YukiTheater | Eastern Time New Year's Event is in 45 Minutes!

    ⚠️ This is our most popular night of the year, so make sure to get on early to secure a spot for the event! If you miss the first one, don't worry! The event is happening at Midnight for every US Time Zone. You only need to be on for one of them to get the one-time achievement! Join Now...
  7. WinterPhoenix

    YukiTheater | Holiday 2020 Update Released!

    Hello my snowed-in friends! We've pushed out the Final Update for YukiTheater in 2020, and the festivities have begun! Presents for you to open, once-ever Achievements for you to get, and more are waiting for you alongside our v2 RC5 Map Update! View the Full Changelog...
  8. WinterPhoenix

    YukiTheater | Spooky November Update Released!

    Greetings Foolish Mortals, the ghouls would like me to inform you that there's a New Update out on YukiTheater, coming out alongside an update to its v2 Map to RC3! Experience the New Spooky Atmosphere and Theming, Explore E1M1, Fight a new breed of Zombies, Relax in the new Chill Area, and...
  9. WinterPhoenix

    YukiTheater | Month 3! Give It Up For Month 3! ...And a 3x Credits Boost!

    *️⃣ Another month, another 0.5x Increase to the Credits Boost! Remember to join us for our Weekly Movie Nights on Fridays to take the most advantage of it! Happy May Everyone! Love You All! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  10. WinterPhoenix

    YukiTheater | How About a 2.5x (and Increasing) Credits Boost?

    Did we say 2x Credits and until April? What we meant to say was: *️⃣ 2.5x Credits, now *️⃣ Increasing by 0.5x every month *️⃣ Until most of this has blown over Also, remember we have Weekly Movie Nights on Fridays so be sure to join us then! Hope this helps! Love You All! ❤️ ❤️
  11. WinterPhoenix

    Happy Seventh Anniversary!

    Today marks Seven Years after YukiTheater's relaunch and it's a very special occasion; we made it to 2020! Through everything, somehow we're still standing going into the next decade, a feat that would not have been possible without our passionate developers and wonderful community, everyone's...
  12. WinterPhoenix

    We're looking for Developers and Moderators!

    Hello Solsticians! With all the stuff we've been working on lately and our growing community, we're once again putting out a call for Developers and Moderators! Think you have the skills or just want to give back to the community? Apply Here...
  13. WinterPhoenix

    Tragedy Collective here!

  14. WinterPhoenix

    Sticky [Cinema / Media System] Black Screens / Videos Not Working

    Vanilla Cinema doesn't really work anymore, for a number of reasons, including its developers simply no longer being interested on working on it. See their GitHub Repo for issues just like this: SGS will eventually fix Cinema on a fork. You can...
  15. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted Ban Appeal: Cirno/Maizoon

    Hi Maizoon, The Staff has decided to unban you from the Discord first. Depending on how that goes, we may consider a full unban following another appeal in 3 months. You can rejoin the Discord here. Should you break the rules again, your ban will be reinstated. See you there! /appealed /locked
  16. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Ban Appeal: Scob Dob (somebody besides kuro usagi)

    Hi Scob, As you wanted a Higher Staff Member to review, I'll be handling your ban appeal. Ban Reason: Harassment, Trolling, Chat Spam, Ear Rape, Tease, 1 Week, Log IDs: 3080659, 3108562 I'll try and address each of the ban reason parts individually, as well as address your points. Ear Rape /...
  17. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Scob Dob banned!

    Hi Scob, Please follow the Ban Appeal Format when submitting an appeal. /denied /locked
  18. WinterPhoenix

    Sticky [Cinema / Media System] Black Screens / Videos Not Working

    Try now, GMod updates sometimes and we've gotta give it a kick.
  19. WinterPhoenix

    Solved YukiTheater: Can't Hear Piano (when others use it)

    Try F4 > Lobby/Radio/Easter Vol
  20. WinterPhoenix

    Sticky [Cinema / Media System] Black Screens / Videos Not Working

    It detects it automatically by looking at your Steam config. The only thing that might mess it up is if you have multiple GMod installs, which wouldn't be valid anyway.