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  1. WinterPhoenix

    Fixed What the fuck is going on with direct audio?

    Awesome, good to hear. Thanks for the report ilm!
  2. WinterPhoenix

    Identified Golf > Winter > Hole 15 Glitch

    We're pretty familiar with this bug; as Sophie said it's been an ongoing issue since the map launched. We'll take another crack at it, but it'll most likely be a bit before we get to it.
  3. WinterPhoenix

    Fixed What the fuck is going on with direct audio?

    Has this issue been resolved? I think it has, but please let me know if it hasn't.
  4. WinterPhoenix

    o/ - Slayavain and Rei

    Welcome welcome!
  5. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Staff Aplication

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Permanently Banned, concerns over previous behavior. Should you wish to apply again in the future, we ask you to please review the reasons above and fix them before doing so. Better luck...
  6. WinterPhoenix

    Introducing GModCEFCodecFix!

    Hello Yuki-goers and GMCL Passengers! We have an important announcement to make tonight about Chromium in Garry's Mod and Proprietary Codec Support. As you may know, not having Proprietary Codec Support in Chromium/Awesomium has been the source of many issues in Cinema, the Media Player addon...
  7. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Moderator Application Schnitzeltoast

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Concerns over recent behavior such as flooding theaters with videos unrelated to what the players in it are currently watching and concerns over maturity. Should you wish to apply again...
  8. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Minori's Application

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Known for being involved in previous dramatic situations, concerns over maturity, and concerns over quality of moderation within other communities. Should you wish to apply again in the...
  9. WinterPhoenix

    Denied 전골(Jeon-Gol)'s Staff Application

    Hello there! The staff has reviewed your application and voted to Deny it. Reasons cited by staff members: Difficulty communicating in English, and unfamiliar to some staff members. Should you wish to apply again in the future, we ask you to please review the reasons above and fix them before...
  10. WinterPhoenix

    Accepted sighhhhh

    Good Evening, It's been a couple of years, so we're willing to give you another chance. However, should you break the rules again, your Permanent Ban will be reinstated. See you in the community! /appealed /locked
  11. WinterPhoenix

    Denied Buddy Dobbs Ban Appeal

    Good Evening, Donation Retractions is not something we allow appeals for. Permanent means permanent with this category of ban, because of the nature of abusing the donation system, and its role in this community being able to operate. This type of abuse is taken very seriously and is not...
  12. WinterPhoenix

    Expired/Recalled hai it me noyre

    Good Evening, There's no ban tied to your Steam Account. Please make sure you're trying to appeal the right account. /invalid /locked