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  1. salty bird

    Sticky [YukiTheater] Playermodel Request Thread

    Captain Phasma
  2. salty bird

    Biggest Fear

    At first I like to think about how i would survive then I start to think about the family members I would have to leave behind in order to live and it makes me panic. I think it's a fear of losing loved ones and having no control over your future.
  3. salty bird

    Biggest Fear

    Junebugs. Soulless creatures that fly with no direction or reason, always seem to pin point me though. And zombies. One of my reoccurring nightmares that causes me to wake from a dead sleep has been about a zombie invasion.
  4. salty bird

    took too long, now your candy's gone, and that's what happened

    took too long, now your candy's gone, and that's what happened
  5. salty bird

    TheHero's ★ WORD ASSOCIATION ★

  6. salty bird

    What Games Are You Hyped For In 2016?

    No Man's Sky looks so trippy, I can't wait!
  7. salty bird

    ^^^^ A+

    ^^^^ A+
  8. salty bird

    Hiya, I'm Sailor!~

  9. salty bird

    HauptmannEck Intro

    Hey here! Welcome!
  10. salty bird

    TTurtle's Here

    Yo welcome!
  11. salty bird

    May as well jump into the forums with an intro.

    Welcome Zion! It's nice seeing you here on the forums!
  12. salty bird

    TheHero's ★ WORD ASSOCIATION ★
