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  1. Ziziio


    In this section, post your car, model, year built, mods, engine, etc in here! Don't be afraid, share your builds! Run what ya bring!
  2. Ziziio


  3. Ziziio

    Sticky Popcorn Kernel Request Thread

    Kernel: Maki Nishikino Kernel Image: Description: Nani sore? Imi wakannai (literally meaning "What's that? I don't understand you" or "I don't get it".)
  4. Ziziio

    Sticky [YukiTheater] Playermodel Request Thread

    DOA5: Honoka Bunny P.M. and Ragdoll
  5. Ziziio

    Sticky [YukiTheater] Playermodel Request Thread

    Which ones?
  6. Ziziio

    Mobile Devices

    That non functioning LTE would drive me nuts.
  7. Ziziio

    What truly makes a good game

    Yes. Take single player Fallout and Fallout 76 for example, two completely different games and two completely different types of quality. One is more story focused and the other is more RPG online MMO based.
  8. Ziziio

    Mobile Devices

    That's a pretty basic phone. I guess if that is all you need, it's all you need. Cell phones are pretty much now an essential part of life it seems.
  9. Ziziio

    What truly makes a good game

    I agree. GMod has a certain charm to it that no other game I feel can really capture. For me it was finding my place in the Cinema game mode watching videos with friends.
  10. Ziziio

    Accepted Kolonel Korpus Unban

    Hello, since the staff member who permanently banned is no longer on staff, I will be handling your appeal. Ban Reasons: Ear Rape Multiple Past Offenses After some discussion, we decided it would be okay to unban you. It's been three years. We are willing to give you another chance. However...
  11. Ziziio

    Favorite Metal Band?

    All good choices!
  12. Ziziio

    Favorite Metal Band?

    Post your favorite Metal Band here! Share your thoughts and discuss with others!
  13. Ziziio

    Theater Owner Can Control Playback

    We do currently offer a seek feature for private theaters. The seek feature lets you go to a specific time stamp of the media you are watching. You can access the seek feature by owning a private or exclusive theater, hit F4, and select seek. You would then put in the time stamp you want to go...
  14. Ziziio

    Denied Ban appeal

    Hello, since I was the staff member who banned you, I will be handling this appeal. You were give a 19 day ban for the following videos: 2787050 - Animal Slaughter 2787172 - Disgusting 2791739 - Ear Rape You were given multiple warnings and a kick for the videos above. You were also warned...
  15. Ziziio

    Mobile Devices

    I agree. I always felt limited when using any sort of Apple device. The thing I love about Android is how open source and how much you can do in terms of making games for it versus iOS. I love my Galaxy S9 though.
  16. Ziziio

    What truly makes a good game

    Couldn't agree more. Art direction and style is a big thing for me. Sound design also. But if a game doesn't have good gameplay, why bother? A good story I would also say is a good bonus at the end of the day.
  17. Ziziio

    Mobile Devices

    Was always curious about Motorola. I went from an LG G4, to a G5, now currently on a Samsung Galaxy S9. Had nothing but issues with with G5 since the day I got it. The G4 was so much butter in every aspect for me. Love the current phone I have right now, great battery, great UI, and just a great...
  18. Ziziio

    What truly makes a good game

    What do you think makes a "good" game and why? Is it story? Graphics? Art Design? Characters? Voice Acting? Share your thoughts and opinions below as to what you think makes your favorite games great!