Search results

  1. PandaSage

    Someone has to stand up for slotchan (fake report)

    (Staff member you are reporting) WinterPhoenix96 (Time of incident) Couple days ago I think (Reason for reporting) Owner abuse (Relevant information/Evidence [Logs, Screenshots, etc]) Multiple people including myself witnessed Winter knowingly hacking slotchan for his own benefit (Additional...
  2. PandaSage

    Illuminati Confirmed!

    ohh a counting thread cool! Hey guys!
  3. PandaSage

    Accepted fluffybutts ban appeal

    Hey Fluffy. So it's against the rules to use that word, niggerfaggot. We do allow some words to be used under certain circumstances, like nigga (u my number 1 nigga), or fag (I'm such a fag for you), but Niggerfaggot is just not allowed. I know a youtuber has popularized the word, but it is a...
  4. PandaSage

    *Hugs everyone* I love you all! ^_^

    *Hugs everyone* I love you all! ^_^
  5. PandaSage


  6. PandaSage


  7. PandaSage

    Nyan Pasu!

    Nyan Pasu!
  8. PandaSage

    Invalid Lost my Credits

    Hey guys! So we're aware of a problem with some peoples credits. Winter is working on a fix and we'll figure out how we'll reimburse you for it. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  9. PandaSage

    Fixed Credits to 200

    Hey guys! So we're aware of a problem with some peoples credits. Winter is working on a fix and we'll figure out how we'll reimburse you for it. Sorry for the inconvenience!