Recent content by Pants

  1. Pants

    Accepted Ban Appeal

    Since the moderator who banned you isn't on the team anymore I will be taking care of this appeal. Reasons for ban: Discrimination Discrimination Both of these videos are the same and you just queued them many times, which lead to your ban. Looking at the video, it becomes clear that you were...
  2. Pants

    Reduced Crevic's ban appeal

    Since the moderator who banned you isn't on the team, I will be taking care of this appeal. Reasons for ban: Removed from Youtube Ear Rape Disgusting As well as you using racial slurs on the server. The reason this ban was permanent was due to it being your third. Generally, the third ban a...
  3. Pants

    Reduced 2 week ban

    As the moderator that banned you, I will be taking care of this appeal. You were banned for the following: Discrimination Discrimination Discrimination Ear Rape/Tease Ear Rape Looking into your history, you have also been banned once before for ear rape and other offenses. You were banned for 1...
  4. Pants

    Sticky Achievement Suggestion Thread

    No thank you. I'd rather people not constantly ask mods to be slapped.
  5. Pants

    Denied Unperma Ban Please.

    This appeal is both in the wrong format and permanent bans cannot be appealed until at least 3 months have passed. It was also in the wrong location on the forums but has been moved. In response to the appeal anyway, I don't see how someone can accidentally queue a pig decapitation video...
  6. Pants

    Fixed Snow balls

    I'm pretty sure the command to change this is r_decals #. Mine is set to 2048 by default. I could be wrong though.
  7. Pants

    Denied Kolonel Korpus Unban

    Hello. I will be taking care of this appeal. I apologize for how late the response is. Your ban was discussed within the week of your appeal but we forgot to actually respond to it. Looking through your video history: Content played and frequency of content breaking rules, you were banned 3...
  8. Pants

    Invalid Higher quality video options missing (YukiTheater)

    Cinema only supports HD Youtube from the chromium branch of gmod at the moment. To join it, from the steam library right click Garry's Mod, properties, betas tab, and from the drop down menu, select chromium. Make sure gmod is closed when you do this. Keep in mind that using chromium doesn't...
  9. Pants


  10. Pants

    Reduced Jelly Ban Appeal

    I was the moderator who banned you so I will be taking care of this appeal. Videos leading to ban: Pornography Real Life Death The pornography video was removed by you so that video can be overlooked as it is not the big issue here. The real life death video is the main reason for this ban. I...
  11. Pants

    Sticky [YukiTheater] Playermodel Request Thread

    We...we already have that one.
  12. Pants

    Accepted Ban Appeal again

    Hello again, Narqueefi. I took care of the previous appeal so I will take care of this one as well. As stated in the last appeal, the video thumbnail was misleading, however the video was also very short so checking it ahead of time would have been easy to do. At the same time, it is a 8 second...
  13. Pants

    Denied Ban Appeal

    Hello Patruck. Just like last time, the moderator who originally banned you is no longer on staff, and the moderator who last dealt with your appeal is also no longer on staff, so I will be taking care of it this time. Your ban reason is as follows: Ear Rape...
  14. Pants

    Accepted Will's 4th ban appeal

    Well hello yet again, Will. So based on your effort with this appeal it would appear you really don't care about getting unbanned. I would have liked to see more effort put into the year later appeal. I don't really see any change in your behavior. However, your dedication to these appeals and...