Recent content by Ocean Man

  1. Ocean Man

    Accepted Ocean Man Mod App: 2021 Edition

    Steam Username Current Age 29 (Im an old man) Timezone CST Time Ranges typically on our Servers in a Day (Eastern Time) When I do get on, probably 5-10 CST. I will note that I had a long period of inactivity due to Position Applying For Moderator Understand and Agree to Maintain...
  2. Ocean Man

    Sticky [YukiTheater] Playermodel Request Thread

    Model Name: All Might workshop link: screenshot:
  3. Ocean Man

    Accepted Ocean's Moderator App

    Steam Username: Ocean Man Current Age: 27 Timezone (Use this website if you don't know) CST Time Ranges typically on our Servers in a Day (Eastern Time) 8PM - 12 AM Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketeer) Moderator...
  4. Ocean Man

    Update regarding my absence from Anime Movie Nights

    Hello all! As you guys know, I haven't particularly done an anime movie night for about 3 weeks to a month. I apologize for that. One of the reasons was because my electricity wasn't going so great on my side of the house and I wanted to wait a little for it to be fixed. I was also in the...
  5. Ocean Man

    Anime Movie Night 2/1/18

    Hey guys welcome to the next anime movie night! I hope you enjoy this weeks lineup
  6. Ocean Man

    Anime Movie Night 1/25/18 and Slight Changes to future Movie Nights

    Hello everyone! Before I post the link, I just wanted to touch bases with you guys for slight changes I'll be adding to Anime Movie Nights. There were some concerns with movie choices, and I myself came to realize that adding movies that have a series can be a bit confusing to people who didnt...
  7. Ocean Man

    Anime Night moved to Sat 1/20/18

    Hello everyone! As I said in discord, I have some stuff going on right now, so that being said, Anime Movie Night will not be tonight. Instead, I have moved it to this sat, which is 1/20/18 I apologize in advance
  8. Ocean Man

    Anime Movie Night 1/11/18

    Hey guys heres the strawpoll for tonights anime movie night
  9. Ocean Man

    Anime Movie Night 1/4/18

    Hey guys I have the next strawpoll ready for you for tomorrows Anime Movie Night There are some spicy choices this week
  10. Ocean Man

    Anime Movie Night 12/28/17

    Hey everybody! I hope you guys enjoyed your Christmas. I have the next strawpoll ready for Anime Movie Night this Thursday Be sure to vote!
  11. Ocean Man

    Make sure to vote for our 4th anime movie night!

    Hey all Ocean here. Just wanted to post the strawpoll for out 4th anime movie night. It's been great so far so lets keep it rollin This movie night will be on 12/14/17
  12. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man's Anime Movie Nights

    Hey all! Ocean here As you have seen me discuss on the discord, I was planning to partake on a community event that I thought would be fun. Every Thursday night I'll be hosting an anime movie night on Yuki, much like Winters normal movie night but just with anime movies :) I wanted to do this...
  13. Ocean Man

    Accepted Ocean Man's Moderator Application (Ocean Edition)

    Steam Username Ocean Man Current Age 25 Timezone (Use this website if you don't know) CST Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time) I'd say late night. Like 11 am to 3 am however I am known to randomly pop on at like 4 pm or something lol Position Applying For (Moderator...
  14. Ocean Man

    My Intro

    I hope to talk to you on the server :D