Recent content by Noire-Sama

  1. Noire-Sama

    Denied Retz and Scoobert Doobert joint ban appeal

    Alright I'm going to start by saying Scoobert's is automatically denied as you are not allowed to appeal for someone else, and his reasons were Trolling, Civil Unrest, and Disturbing. Yours were for Civil Unrest, Trolling, and Discrimination. Here are your videos queued...
  2. Noire-Sama

    Denied Ban Appeal

    Hi there, seeing as I carried out your ban I'll take care of your appeal as well. First off you were banned for as you said trolling and harassment, but also: Hentai: Disgusting/Gore...
  3. Noire-Sama

    Summer Giveaway Results

    this person wins 1 thing this person 2 this person 1.... then theres kuro
  4. Noire-Sama

    OOPS am I late?

    hello im new can you introduce me to the place
  5. Noire-Sama

    The Corrupt-A-Wish Game

    Granted, but anything you draw a circle on immediately cracks or tears breaking the circle in disconnected sections I wish futas were real
  6. Noire-Sama

    Sticky Achievement Suggestion Thread

    Achievement name: Animeme Skelingtons Achievement credits: 100000000000000000000000000000000000 Achievement description: Make Winter mad
  7. Noire-Sama

    OOPS am I late?

    Names Noire and it's not like I wanted to make this thread or anything... b-baka! I'm definitely not a tsundere nor do crush on them or any anime character for that fact, I'm also not a huge nerd, and troll with no life who LOVES lewds. All tsundere aside, patanima is mine no exceptions.
  8. Noire-Sama

    Ohai there!

    look at this nerd with the well thought out and meaningful introduction... thats not right
  9. Noire-Sama

    Oh hey, it's that Kuro guy!

    >the one with the green name ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. Noire-Sama

    Better Times for Movie Events

    So if we were to make an "EU Movie Night" what time would work best (server time)
  11. Noire-Sama

    Denied Ban appeal

    Hi there Shiore! I'm the moderator that banned you. Here's you ban information: Moderator who banned you: Noire Reason: Pornography, Trolling, Spoilers, Discrimination Length: 4 weeks Video Log ID: 1409479 I'd like to start by saying the video you played was certainly not from the series "Sex...
  12. Noire-Sama

    Accepted ♚ Noire-Sama ♚'s Application

    Steam Username ♚ Noire-Sama ♚ Current Age 20 Timezone (Use this website if you don't know) Pacific Standard Time (PST) Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time) In the range of 10 PM (sometimes later but can be on at that time most nights) to 6 AM Position Applying For...