Recent content by Jumping121

  1. Jumping121

    Solved Missing Water Texture

    The overriding texture was fixed after I restarted my PC and when I came on the next day the water texture was fixed. I'm not sure what happened for it to cause that if its a normal Gmod texture. Thanks for the help anyway!
  2. Jumping121

    Solved Missing Water Texture

    I loaded onto the game today and started getting this strobe texture effect on the water for the texture missing. I deleted all the files and re-downloaded the as said on the missing textures thread but still getting this. I was just wondering if a dev has encounter this problem before and maybe...
  3. Jumping121

    Denied Staff Application

    Steam Username: Jumping Current Age: 21 Timezone: GMT 0+ United Kingdom Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time) Weekly: 5PM - 4AM Position Applying For (Moderator, Mapper) Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? Yes, I fully understand the quota I will need...