Recent content by artemis

  1. artemis

    u n e x p e c t e d r e a l i t y

    u n e x p e c t e d r e a l i t y
  2. artemis

    waffles, bruh. they're sweeter.

    waffles, bruh. they're sweeter.
  3. artemis

    Making the Exclusive Theater Free

    You do realize that taking away that option to pay for an exclusive room takes the meaning out of it right? I mean, there could be another solution to it, maybe exclusive theaters could be unlocked for people at a certain level, or even certian playtime, rather. I'm against the idea of taking...
  4. artemis

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Well, every cinema in real life has it so why shouldn't this one? cx Interactable and edible concessions food and drinks! You could walk up to the concessions stand and maybe have the Shop NPCs have a selection of edible/spawnable food/drinks, but let there be a limit. Each item would cost a...
  5. artemis

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Possibly make the zombie area into a small gamemode...? Like, set a match each for 1 minute or however long you think is a reasonable time, and try to survive with teams of either 2v2 or 4v4 maybe? Zombies could keep respawning until time runs out and it would be a competition to see whichever...
  6. artemis

    time is limited; please use it wisely.

    time is limited; please use it wisely.
  7. artemis

    o god why

    o god why
  8. artemis

    YukiTheater Dance Party Screenshot Showcase

  9. artemis

    downhearted of a wasted summer.

    downhearted of a wasted summer.
  10. artemis

    Happy Birthday Nii-san! Have a great day and be sure to nom on lots of cake :)

    Happy Birthday Nii-san! Have a great day and be sure to nom on lots of cake :)
  11. artemis

    Sticky Achievement Suggestion Thread

    Achievement name: Let's Shake It! Achievement Credits Worth: 280 Achievement Description: Feeling down? Let's "Shake It" to some Himawari!
  12. artemis

    Reduced Sailor Purin's Ban Appeal

    Steam Username: Sailor Purin Length of Ban: 1 Week Staff Member that Banned You: Asia-Kouhai アルジェント Ban Reason: The video I played was marked as "Disturbing" as there was a short part of a deer getting run over; The video was a fail compiliation so I understand why this wasnt taken...
  13. artemis

    Nyaaa =^w^=

    Nyaaa =^w^=
  14. artemis

    Hiya, I'm Sailor!~

    Hiya guys! Been signed up for a bit but just haven't made a post yet, so this is my first one! I've never really known how to write an introduction so I basically just write random stuff that pops into my head or something :D I am open to any questions, (except weird ones -.-) But yeah~... I'm...
  15. artemis

    Nyaaa back at you<3~

    Nyaaa back at you<3~