Recent content by Akiko

  1. Akiko

    TheHero's ★ WORD ASSOCIATION ★

  2. Akiko

    [GMod Cruise Line] Playermodel Request Thread

    GMod Cruise Line is no longer supported. If you meant for this to be a suggestion for YukiTheater, please repost it in the correct subforum.
  3. Akiko

    Sticky [Cinema / Media System] Black Screens / Videos Not Working

    In this case, that just means the game is updated and you need to wait for our manifest to update to match the game version (we do a checksum validation on game files so that patching works, when files are updated a mismatch will occur).
  4. Akiko

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Not something we're really very capable of as far as I know (blame the engine)
  5. Akiko

    [Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - macOS

    We have implemented a few fixes for macOS overnight. If you were having an issue with crashing when the game menu loads, please try again now by validating your game files then running GModCEFCodecFix (from the latest release) once again.
  6. Akiko

    Sticky [YukiTheater] Paintables Preset Request Thread

    Request a default image to be added to a Paintable Item of your choice (excluding the Sticker Paintable) here! Please only request one item for each image, as we want to diversify and differentiate the items as much as possible! -Example/Template- Paintable Item: Picture Frame 2 Image URL...
  7. Akiko

    Share your love 💜

    Share your love 💜
  8. Akiko

    Apartment lights bug?

    Light cones are also missing from the first picture.
  9. Akiko

    [Tutorial] GModCEFCodecFix - macOS

    On macOS, this will happen every time GMod x86-64 receives an update. This is because with every GMod update, codesign is updated for every file we patch, and thus invalidates our patches. It can take as much as 6 hours for us to regenerate patches (at worse), if we're not available to do it...
  10. Akiko

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    Yeah, this will happen. :)
  11. Akiko

    Sticky [Cinema / Media System] Black Screens / Videos Not Working

    There were daily updates up through yesterday. Everything's slowed down now and should be working.
  12. Akiko

    paintables suggestion

    This won't be happening, but our intention is to add some curated defaults to every Paintable Item at some point in the future. :) That way you can at least set something on them, even though you won't be able to broadly choose what that thing is.
  13. Akiko

    GModCEFCodecFix on Linux Uninstall

    Validating the game files removes all changes that GModCEFCodecFix makes to the game.
  14. Akiko

    Sticky YukiTheater Feature Ideas

    To some extent, this exists now in the form of Paintables, but is restricted to your own Apartment.